Emberwood Coast Military: Difference between revisions

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|name = Emberwood Coast Military
|image = ECMilFlag.png
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There are two corps of military forces in Emberwood; Domestic and Foreign. The Domestic corps is tasked with defending the nation itself, while Foreign forces fulfill combat orders in other nations and theaters of combat.
===Intercontinental Ballistics and Orbital Weaponry===
The nation has a stronglight stockpile of older ICBM technology left over from the Morstaybishlian and Norogradian empires. Besides those, the nation's defense laboratories, spearheaded by the Department of Strategic Defense Technology, or DSDT ("Dis-dat") have been developing advanced warheads capable of far more damage than the aging 40-year-old stockpile of warheads the nation would otherwise implement. To defend against foreign attacks, four high-velocity magnetic rail impact cannons (railguns) are installed at each military installation in the Coast, and are believed to be able to intercept any incoming ballistic attack.
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[[File:800.gif|alt=|left|thumb|Pictured: Secretary Ikalima addresses the press.]]
As said by Secretary Lance Ikalima upon passage of the Nuclear Deterrence Act, "Pursuant to item #021 of the Military Deterrence Act, this normally peaceful nation has diverted a modest proportion of our space program's funds into the development of orbital weaponry. Should the need arise, the nation is prepared to use these systems, as well as more conventional systems located in strategic points within our earthly borders.
This nation asks that all countries abide by World Assembly statutes on peace and engagement. Refusal to do so will result in your obliteration.
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==Ground Forces==
[[File:ECLightTank.jpg|thumb|left|A F-30 Assault Vehicle, armed with a 12mm magnetic cannon]]
01 President
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The Army of Emberwood Coast operates only on small and very limited levels. The nation is simply not equipped to invade or conquer a foreign area, simply because, it should never need to.
[[File:ECMilTruck.jpg|thumb|left|A G5 Model Assault Vehicle used by Emberitian gorund troops.]]
The Army of Emberwood Coast operates only on small and very limited levels.
The nation is simply not equipped to invade or conquer a foreign area, simply because, it should never need to.
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|+Personal Weapons
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In EC Military Unified Designation code, an object is described using:
1. An alphabetic 1-4 letter code describing the use and class
2. A dash, signifying an aircraft or vessel
3. A number, a unique identifier distinguishing it from other equipment under the type identifier
In EC Military Unified Designation code, an object is described using:
4. A variant identifier, if any, assumed "A" if left blank
* 1. An alphabetic 1-4 letter code describing the use and class
* 2. A dash, signifying an aircraft or vessel
* 3. A number, a unique identifier distinguishing it from other equipment under the type identifier
* 4. A variant identifier, if any, assumed "A" if left blank
* 5. A refit identifier, signifying the number of upgrades to the base equipment since it was issued
* 6. A nickname or colloquial designation, if any, in quotes
5. A refit identifier, signifying the number of upgrades to the base equipment since it was issued
For example, <u>SR12A0</u> represents a service rifle (SR), identified by the number 12, in it's first upgraded iteration (0).
6. A nickname or colloquial designation, if any, in quotes
''For example, SR12A0 represents a service rifle (SR), identified by the number 12, in it's first upgraded iteration (0).''
For sidearms, the [["Civet" Service Pistol|Civet]] is a perennial favorite by all regular tour troops due to its capacity and reliability. Some special forces favor the [["Niac" Service Pistol|SP24]], for its versatility and automatic fire capability, or the [[Burst-Fire Revolver|Autorevolver]] for its stopping power and superior penetrability.
For long rifles, the [[8S|SR16]] is the standard issue battle rifle, beloved by eastern Aurora for its versatility, capacity, and reliability. Also used are the [[16S|SR56]], a designated marksman rifle, or DMR; or the [[4S|SS537]], a reliable shotgun used the world over. The [[2YSR82]] is an extremely high power anti-material sniper rifle used on manyin special forces missionsoperations.
Assault RiflesSMGs include the [[Axdel_Armed_Forces#Army|Steyr AUG A3SR5]] and [[Axdel_Armed_Forces#Army|Steyr STM 556SRX]], (Used less than the A-3standard SR16 rifle) which are both Axdelian imports (domestic assault rifles include the [[90W]] and [[80W]]. Also in operation are LMG'sSMGs, such as the Novascope [[15UOpal]] and [[17UAmethyst]]. ''Because of the practical uses of chemical versus electromagnetic weapons, rapid-firewere weaponsboth areconsidered stillbut primarilydiscarded chemraildue based;to whiletheir anyinferior accuracystopping dependentpower). weapons are now pure railguns.''
Heavy weapons are mostly anti-material rockets, such as the [[N12]], a powerful rocket launcher that has the power to destroy most light tanks.
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=== Vehicles ===
Among the vehicles used are the [[G5A5 LATV|A5 Assault Truck]], theand [[G4its Fast Attack Truck]]variants, and the [[G6A7 Armored Personnel Carrier]]. The [[FM-55MTV|A7 Heavy Artillery VehiclePlatform]],. theBoth [[F-43are Maincustom Battlechassis Tank]]orders and thefrom [[F-30Civet Light Assault TankCorporation]] are reserved primarily for extreme military scenarios, and almost all heavy vehicles have not yet seen military action.
Also used is the [[C-9 Dropship]], the [[B-61 Light Assault Jet]], and the [[D-02 Heavy Transport]].
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|+Federally Operated Vehicles
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*The ground forces of the Coast are divided into levels;
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! Name !! Leader !! Number of Units
| Army || Secretary Of Defense || 70,000
| Corps || General (2) || 34,000
| Division || General (1) || 16,500
| Brigade || Colonel || 8,000
| Regiment || Commander || 5,024
| Battalion || Captain || 1,280
| Company || Major || 320
| Platoon || Lieutenant || 80
| Section || Sergeant || 20
| Squad || Corporal || 5
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==Naval Forces==
[[File:ECPortsideDeck.jpg|thumb|left|The deck gun of the Portside-class UNV-''Andromeda'']]
[[File:ECDakotaPT.jpg|thumb|left|A view of a Dakota-Class Patrol Boat, the UNV-''Cassini'']]
01 President
02 Fleet Admiral
03 Admiral
04 Rear Admiral
05 Captain
06 Commander
07 Lieutenant Commander
08 Lieutenant
09 Ensign
10 Chief Petty Officer
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{| class="wikitable"
! Operating Class !! Tactical Purpose !! Developed !! In Operation
| [[Portside Class]] || Destroyer [[wikipedia:destroyer|DD]] || 2001 || 28
| [[Reliant Class]] || Heavy PT Boat [[wikipedia:Patrol Boat|PT]] || 1982 || 6
| [[Dakota Class]] || Light PT Boat [[wikipedia:littoral combat ship|PA]] || 2009 || 9
| [[Autumn Class]] || Cruiser [[wikipedia:cruiser|CA]] || 2005 || 21
| [[Victory Class]] || Battleship [[wikipedia:battleship|BB]] || 1968 || 2
| [[Resolute Class]] || Command Carrier [[wikipedia:carrier|CV]] || 2015 || 2
| [[Constellation Class]] || Supply Frigate [[wikipedia:auxiliary ship|ST]] || 2004 || 38
| [[Sovereign Class]] || Heavy Transport [[wikipedia:amphibious warfare ship|HT]] || 1982 || 9
| [[Nova Class]] || Light Research [[wikipedia:research vessel|SRS]] || 2003 || 9
| [[Quasar Class]] || Tug Boat [[wikipedia:tugboat|TB]] || 2005 || 4
| [[Intrepid Class]] || Long Range Research [[wikipedia:research vessel|LRS]] || 2014 || 3
| [[Compatriot Class]] || Drydock Platform [[wikipedia:drydock|DOCK]] || 2001 || 5
| [[Sol Class]] || Light Transport [[wikipedia:troopship|LT]] || 2009 || 10
| [[Polaris Class]] || Attack Submarine [[wikipedia:attack submarine|AS]] || 2016 || None
| [[Conquest Class]] || Missile Sub [[wikipedia:ballistic missile submarine|BMS]] || 1974 || 3
| '''Total''' || x || x || 149 Ships
The Navy is divided into two flotillas and ten fleets.
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! Fleet !! Flotilla !! Ships !! Current Assignment !! Purpose
| First Fleet || Alpha || 17 || Defense (Aura) || Anti-Air/Anti-Ship
| Second Fleet || Alpha || 26 || En Route (Aura) || Artillery/Barrage
| Third Fleet || Bravo || 14 || Shore Leave (Aura) || Air Force Operations
| Fourth Fleet || Alpha || 17 || En Route (Aura) || Anti-Ship/Barrage
| Fifth Fleet || Bravo || 19 || Patrol (Aurora) || Air Force Operations
| Sixth Fleet || Alpha || 10 || Patrol (Aurora) || Patrol
| Seventh Fleet || Alpha || 9 || Defense (Arcadia) || Patrol
| Eighth Fleet || Alpha || 7 || Loan (Tretrid) || Patrol
| Ninth Fleet || Bravo || 12 || Shore Leave (Aura) || Anti-Ship/Air Force Ops
| Tenth Fleet || Alpha || 6 || Patrol (Aurora) || Patrol
==Aerospace Forces==
[[File:ECA54.jpg|thumb|left|The experimental A-54 Longsword is the high-speed attack fighter of the Emberitian Air Force]]
[[File:ECA23.jpg|thumb|left|The A-23 Arrow is the most common multi-role Air-Force jet in operation in the ECAF]]
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The most common vehicles in the Air Force are [[A-5422 LongswordBroadsword V|A-5422 "Broadsword"]] and [[A-2331 ArrowLongsword VI|A-2331 "Longsword"]] interceptorsjet families. Additionally, the [[ASA-3211 BroadswordKestrel|ASA-3211 "Kestrel"]] transport craft and [[A-4419 RapierDagger IV|A-4419 "Dagger"]] bombers also play important offensivestrategic and tactical roles.
[[Category:Emberwood Coast]]
cartographer, verified
