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{{Infobox officeholder
| honorific-prefix = Premier of the Federal Republic of Norograd
| name = Kiet Narvga
| caption = Narvga in January 1970, at the beginning of the AIW
| honorific-suffix =
| image = Narvga.jpg
| office = CommandantPremier of the ProvisionalFederal StateRepublic of NorogradNoroist Axdel
|monarch term_start = 30th December 1969
|term_start term_end = 30th14th DecemberAugust 19691995
|term_end predecessor = 22nd= NovemberAtsau 1975Noros
|predecessor successor = WinstonDarius UlyssesFinch
|successor majority2 =
|office1 birth_name =Premier of the Republic ofKiet NorogradBrancarre Narvga
| birth_date = {{birth date|1927|1|3|df=yes}}
|term_start1 =22nd November 1975
| birth_place = Montza, [[KormistazmAxdel|PrincipalityDominion of KorstaziaAxdel]], [[Great Morstaybishlia]]
|term_end1 =9th April 1987
|predecessor1 death_date =
|successor1 death_place =
| party = NoroistAxdelian Peoples Liberation Party
|office2 =Premier of the Federal Republic of Norograd
|term_start2 spouse =9th April 1987 =
|term_end2 residence =14th August 1995 =
| alma_mater = Barque University, Barque
|predecessor2 =
|successor2 signature =Darius Finch =
|majority2 website =
|birth_name = Kiet Iosif Narvga
|birth_date = {{birth date|1927|1|3|df=yes}}
|birth_place = Montza, [[Kormistazm|Principality of Korstazia]], [[Great Morstaybishlia]]
|death_date =
|death_place =
|party = Noroist Liberation Party
|spouse =
|residence =
|alma_mater = Barque University, Barque
|signature =
|website =
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He left his adoptive parents when he was 18 with a generous bursary to study medical science at the renown Barque University. Soon into his first year, he joined a small communist fraternity, and became involved in the protest culture that was growing rapidly in the alienated Kormistazic youth. He was involved in numerous protests and events, and by his second year had gained the attention of the underground Noroist commune that the fraternity had connection to. Kiet was now involved in the organisation of protests, attacks on empirical police forces, and the dissemination of pro-communist newspapers and leaflets. Whilst the local police instantly suspected those pursuing degrees in politics as troublemakers, Kiet often escaped suspicion, allowing him more freedom than his comrades. His determination and drive led him up the chain of command, and by the end of his four year course at university, he was one of the lead organisers of the group. Without parents to deter him, he began focusing efforts into politics instead, barely scraping his way through the rest of his degree.
==Rise as revolutionary leader==
After he left university, Keit left Barque for Andel and became involved in the Norogradian Peoples Liberation Party, the largest underground communist group in Korstazia. Armed with his experience in the commune and his fierce determination, Keit helped organise the ongoing undermining of empire rule in the principality. in 1953 he was approached by the party's head social strategist, Winston Ulysses, and the two quickly became close associates. With Winston's support, Kiet quickly rose to prominence within the party, and when Winston assumed leadership in 1958, Kiet was appointed as second in command. In this role, he proved instrumental in orchestrating the infiltration and radicalisation of the principality defence force and the colonial defence forces. This allowed the party to preemptively begin training large numbers of officers and manufacturing home-grown designs of arms and materiel essentially undetected, sometimes even financed from the empires own military budget. Kiet believed this would be necessary in order to lead a revolution, as they would have to defeat Morstaybishlia in order to legitimise their independence.
Entirely home-grown development and construction, however, was quickly decided to be nowhere near enough what was desired to comfortably declare independence, especially considering the Morst navy would be a primary threat. Thus, the NPLP reached out to {wip}
== Finch incident and arrest ==
[[File:Kiet Arrested.png|thumb|Kiet When he was arrested in 1963]]
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