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Post-Niväk however, Nystapi tattoo culture was driven to extinction, beards and facial hair in general became a sign of backwardness. Long hair, while still relevant in Nystapi culture, became more focused on including beads and ribbons alongside traditional braiding patterns. Fashion adapted towards Blåskovians colors and style, using more yellow to symbolize gold in their outfits, using longer robes made from cotton and wool rather than spinning bark. Another change was the use of dyes, in particular using blue, red and green alongside yellow in their fashion. Borean silk, became a frequent fabric of choice for the upper and well-to-do members of society. Kimonos and their various styles became a symbol of individual, which is traditionally seen as negative in any Akuan culture to be individualistic. The Lapérouse cattleperson hat became common for field hands, as well the Blåskovian Ushanka and facial masks, usually made from cloth became common place. Other than Blåskovian influences, Côtois/Lapérousian culture as made its way into Nystapi fashion, such as plaid button ups, jeans and work boots not just including the cattleperson hats. Completely separate from either two cultural influences, ponchos made from reindeer skin mixed with fur and cloth became common place to wear over one's coat.
[[File:Cot-Farmhouse.jpg|thumb|Nouvelle Ferme Côtois]]Habitation before Niväk, was made in a few ways such as digging a hole during the spring and summer and unrolling a roof made from wild grass mixed with glue created from reindeer hoofs, having the roof slanted facing against the wind for the fireplace to distribute the smoke. During fall, large tents made from reindeer skins for walls, floors made from rolled wild grass and a center place of the tent being used for the fireplace, resulting in holes in the center. Heads of the Nystapi bands before Niväk, would have their own special housing which acted as a town hall, court and in some cases a prison in as well serving a place for the heads of families to sleep at. During this time, heads of families slept away from their families and rather slept in the same tent as the others heads together. These tents was the largest in the band, crafted using reindeer skins, colored beads along the edges, colorful stitching along the roofing and the tent itself was made up of several other tents that was attached to it. The multi-tent, use the different tents as a method to separate duties that is held by the band council, and the most important in the detached tent-rooms, was the [[Akuanism|Akuan]] shrine dedicated for the band's ancestors and record book.
[[File:Cot-Farmhouse.jpg|thumb|Nouvelle Ferme Côtois]]
Pre-Niväk cuisine use to consist of meat only from reindeer and fish. Fruits, vegetables and other plant matter like roots or herbs were forged from the wilderness as they followed reindeer migration patterns. Post-Niväk cuisine changed massively to more domesticated crops, such as corn, wheat, Borean rice and soybeans. Meat still only includes reindeer and fish, however the preparation of meat changed. Pre-Niväk, meat was cooked but it was seen improper to add in spices or make it into a dish, rather reindeer meat was made into jerky. Jerky while still commonly eaten, but it is no longer a treated as a main meal but as a field snack or food to be consume while working in the fields or on the range. Meats now are served as part of a curry dish, steak and burgers mainstay of Ulvriktian dishes on [[Concord]] and [[Blaskog]].
Habitation before Niväk, was made in a few ways such as digging a hole during the spring and summer and unrolling a roof made from wild grass mixed with glue created from reindeer hoofs, having the roof slanted facing against the wind for the fireplace to distribute the smoke. During fall, large tents made from reindeer skins for walls, floors made from rolled wild grass and a center place of the tent being used for the fireplace, resulting in holes in the center. Heads of the Nystapi bands before Niväk, would have their own special housing which acted as a town hall, court and in some cases a prison in as well serving a place for the heads of families to sleep at. During this time, heads of families slept away from their families and rather slept in the same tent as the others heads together. These tents was the largest in the band, crafted using reindeer skins, colored beads along the edges, colorful stitching along the roofing and the tent itself was made up of several other tents that was attached to it. The multi-tent, use the different tents as a method to separate duties that is held by the band council, and the most important in the detached tent-rooms, was the [[Akuanism|Akuan]] shrine dedicated for the band's ancestors and record book.
After and during Niväk, habitation reflected their abandoning of nomadic way of life but not fully taking in Blåskovian housing styles with their walled off houses. Nystapi housing took inspiration of Akuanists from the southern regions and Lapérousian style in addition to taking in Blåskovian more individualistic architecture style. Examples of Blåskovian adaption to Nystapi housing, was use of rugs and blankets as curtains on windows that been decorated with religious symbols to have the spirits keep the cold out. Fireplaces still was in the center of the house, but it was more formal and made from brick rather than digging a pit. Apartments are still seen as preferred housing compared to single family detached housing, this includes rural areas and farmhouses. The 'Nouvelle Ferme Côtois' painting made in 1989 inspired a new wave of neo-gothic rural architecture, which was able to both capture the religious requirements for Nystapi people and be able to house multiple families in one unit of housing. The painting in addition to its inspiration of Nystapi culture, it was a reflection of Nystapi adaption of Blåskovian culture by using it as a focus point to build off of as it include Blåskovian desire to show off one family's wealth over another but only in name. As Côtoise neo-gothic architecture are built with collectivistic nature in mind, meaning multiple families could comfortably live in a single unit usually three to four families and could other rooms could be easily used for other purposes such as tool storage or jar preservation. The 'tower' part of the house, being used for shrine and the storage room for the record book for the families.
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The reminds of bears, such as fur and meat was shared collectively among not only the band but the Nystapi ethnic group as a whole as a way for smaller Nystapi bands to benefit from hunts. Results of the hunts could feed two to three bands for a full year and provided enough fur that it could provide coats for the same number. The bones of the bears, was used as honorifics for the hunters, in particular the skull of the bears hunted are handed out to the elders of the hunter party and the claws of the various bears are given to most senior hunters then towards the younger members of the band. The left over bones being used in decoration for the traveling shrines for the bands. Often the bones would be curved with the date of the hunt and the bands who was part of the hunt.
Post-Niväk, bands being unified into a single entity, and adapting Blåskovian culture. Forced the Nystapi to change their way, almost abandoning foraging all together in favor of farming and animal husbandry fully embracing the agriculturalist way of life. Borean bear hunts became more aggressive, as hunting parties started to use firearms against Borean bears and using metal in their traps alongside coating it in poison. While they still used spears, firearms traded or given by the Blåskovian crownCrown, spears was used for when the Borean bears got to close to them. Firearms, while a major upgrade to killing bears still lacked the killing blow when compared to modern day rifles used for hunting. In the modern era, when hunting bears, the use of advance traps and bait are frequently used and rifles being far more powerful are still used. Fishing after Niväk is no longer a year round affair, and is reserved for the winter season in [[Lapliszna]]. Nystapi still ice fish, and following tradition they use fish bones as ritual materials for the Akuan shrines. Rituals heavily use fish bones, across any number of Nystapi centric and Akuan holidays. The bones having small cuts into it, marking the number of fish that was caught by the fisher and their age.
=== Cuisine ===
Pre-Niväk cuisine use to consist of meat only from reindeer and fish. Fruits, vegetables and other plant matter like roots or herbs were forged from the wilderness as they followed reindeer migration patterns. Post-Niväk cuisine changed massively to more domesticated crops, such as corn, wheat, Borean rice and soybeans. Meat still only includes reindeer and fish, however the preparation of meat changed. Pre-Niväk, meat was cooked but it was seen improper to add in spices or make it into a dish, rather reindeer meat was made into jerky. Jerky while still commonly eaten, but it is no longer a treated as a main meal but as a field snack or food to be consume while working in the fields or on the range. Meats now are served as part of a curry dish, steak and burgers mainstay of Ulvriktian dishes on [[Concord]] and [[Blaskog]].
Pre-Niväk cuisine use exclusive types of meat, and forged wild plants. The types of meats they consumed being from hunted reindeer, Borean bears and fish.
=== Marriage and Gender Traditions ===
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