Federation of the Southern Coast: Difference between revisions

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== Military ==
''Main Article:'' [[Côtois Combined Armed Forces]]
(editiors note; this section is going to be rewritten to be better fit wikipedia style format. This was basically just a rapid fire way out of explaining how the Feds operate military meme in a quick and short fashion)
The head of the '''[[Côtois Combined Armed Forces]]''' is the [[Federal Prime Minister]], and acts as the directing chair of the '''Combined Armed Forces Council'''. As the directing chair, the FPM assigns the Minister of Defense and the chairs of branches. The (C.C.A.F.) represents the six branches of the Federation military, Armée de terre du Côtois (Côtois Army), Marine du Côtois (Côtois Navy), Aérospatiale et espace du Côtois (Côtois Aerospace and Space), Force d'autodéfense du Côtois (Côtois Self Defense Force), Garde côtière du Côtois (Côtois Coastal Guard), and Guerre non orthodoxe en Côtois (Côtois Unorthodox Warfare). The later branch, Côtois Unorthodox Warfare being subject to numerous conspiracies' theories, as officially the branch focus on biological, chemical, psychological and cyberwar warfare. However conspiracy theorists put forth that the branch actually produces biological and chemical weaponry that specifically target different species rather than defense against such weaponry though the Federation has denied such claims despite the limited evidence to the contrary. The Federation maintains one of the largest budgets and military personnel in the world. The intense collaboration with [[Norgsveltian Crown Realm]] and [[Norgsveldet]] in particular, the military-industrial complex and R&D is one of the most famous in the world. As in across the Crown Realm the shared integration of industrial-technological strength, results in if nation lacks ability to produce military product or military-close product than other nation can easily make up the different and the tight-knit bordering-shared markets allowing ease of access. Research and Development angle wise the [[Special Relationship (Norgsveldet-Federation)|Special Relationship]], resulted in Norgsveltian technological advancements be capitalized in industry by Côtois industrial might, then adapted towards [[Norgsveltian Crown Realm]] and later [[Red Crown Economic Union]] militaries. The ability to have not just a stream of high-end quality military equipment being made, but sold throughout the [[Union of Commonwealth Alliances]], [[Red Crown Economic Union]] and [[Norgsveltian Crown Realm]] results in plethora of experience being adapted for military technology, equipment lines and production slow downs. When it comes to buying military equipment, [[Norgsveldet]] and Federation are so entwine that in most cases, that nations buying army equipment such as firearms or tanks buy from [[Norgsveldet]] are actually buying from the Federation (or vise versa) but through Norgsveltian middlemen and a example of [[Special Relationship (Norgsveldet-Federation)#Norvegiançaise|Norvegiançaise]]. The stream of combat reports, shared advancements in technology being adapted to military use and other such aspects, results in a edge to Côtois-Norgsveltian Military-Industrial Complex.
Administrators, verified
