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}}'''Akuanism''' is an ethnic-religion and sometimes referred to as a collection of cultures or ethnicities that have roots. It has been some measure of difficulty to classify what is and isn’t Akuanism outside of vague generalities. As beliefs of Akuanism is more of concepts and is heavily interpreted differently by various forms, ethnicities, nationalities, regions and any other manner of differences. Another difficulty of categorizing is the ambivalence centralization nature of it, sometimes being centralized and sometimes being deeply de-centralized nature. Akuanism can be both centralized and decentralized in nature. Overall, there is no overall central authority on Akuanism, and defining concepts of Akuanism itself is heavily argued in Akuan society. Despite the massive difference, such as in [[Nys'tat'en|Nys’tat’en]] form, beliefs, stories and their interpretation, and even the structure of form of worship of Akuanism. As a general rule, Akuanists say all forms of Akuanism is valid except for [[Akuan Socialism]], which mainstream Akuanism states that Akuan Socialism cannot be Akuanism for breaking what is generally accepted as core concepts of Akuanism.
}}Akuanism is a religion which originated in [[Borea]] and spread throughout the [[Rotantic Ocean]] and parts around the [[Urth]] through series of slave trades. Theological scholars sometimes call its practitioners Akuanist, a misnomer drawing from a aspect that most non-Akuanists interaction with them being explorers, sailors or merchants who seek blessing from Akua during their travels in the sea. Adherents rarely use that term themselves when discussing matters with other Akuanists, instead preferring to calling themselves follower of the way the spirits/deities. There is no central authority in control of Akuanism and much diversity exists among practitioners.
}}Akuanism is as a religion which originated in [[Borea]] and spread throughout the [[Rotantic Ocean]] and parts around the [[Urth]] through series ofthe slave tradestrade, merchant ports and Akuan settlements. Theological scholars of Akuanism sometimes call its practitioners Akuanist, a misnomer drawing from aan aspect that most non-Akuanists interactioninteract with them being explorers, sailors or merchants who seek blessing from Akua during their travels in the sea. Adherents rarely use that term themselves when discussing matters with other Akuanists, instead preferring to callingcall themselves followerfollowers of the way''Shu'', the spirits/deitiesword for religion in [[Nys'tat'en|Nys’tat’en]]. ThereControversially Shu is noonly centralused authoritywhen into controlsay ofthey are Akuanist or Akuanism andas mucha diversitywhole existsbut amongwhen practitionersreferring to [[Akuan Democracy]] or other other forms describing what is or is Akuan in nature or form outside of religious dialogue.
Akuanism is polytheistic and revolves around the worship of spirits known as Ny-Gin-Stol, Brandisen and the Vodkaniate. The Brandisen in the Akuanist tradition are supernatural entities believed to inhabit all things. Including manufactured and sapient-created objects or places. Example being the sapient-made lake of Ny'amberock which host over dozen spirits in it's shrine. Vodkaniate is reserved for incredible powerful spirits or gods, example being the religion namesake Akua who protects her children (sapients), adventurers, explorers and the Goddess who taught the sapients to worship.
There is no central authority in control of Akuanism and much diversity exists among practitioners at least in a religious sense. Though [[Novaris]] Akuanism is the exception to the rule of being somewhat centralized to a degree and [[Akuan Democracy]] in some of its forms displays degrees of centralization but unlike Novaris form of Akuanism doesn’t not promote a religious head. [[Novaris]] Akuanism, due to [[Aikthudr'zhur|Aikkian]] monarchy and the Enshrined Spirit holds heavy sway over the form of Akuanism within the continent but is only considered to be highly respected outside of Novaris.
The link between the Spirits and the natural world has led to Akuanism being considered animistic and pantheistic. The religion is staffed by priests and priestess, known as [[brewmasters]], who oversee offerings of food and beer or ale to cultists. This is done to cultivate harmony between the cultist and Akua and to solicit the Akua's blessing, as Akua loves her temples to be more akin to a Tavern or a community center than a traditional religious building. Other common rituals include drunkard revelry, rites of passage, celebratory debauchery and seasonal festivals.
Akuanists both as a religion and as a cultures/ethnicities, has been called by some scholars as "''The most open insular peoples on Urth''." Akuanism being generally, extremely openness, acceptance and happiness however still congregating into [[Akuan District|Akuan Districts]]. According to most political surveys, Akuanists tend to avoid large scale protests or civil disobedience after the [[Great War]] when in non-majority Akuan countries and tend to vote center-left parties when Akuan democracy parties are not available. The exception to this rule being [[Ulvriktru Democrats]] in [[Norgsveldet]]. Technically, only requirement to join Akuanism faith, is to learn [[Nys'tat'en|Nys’tat’en]] and follow the interpretations of the local Akuanism form however, because of how different the Akuanist mindset is compared to more mainstream faiths and unspoken rules about the faith. Akuanism is incredibly difficult to convert into.  
The goddess Akua is deeply intwined with many of the creation myths to the point she's known as the goddess of life. Nearly all stories of the creation of sapients have the goddess as the main character or is told from only from her perspective. Usually the stories make use of Akua's thinking machines to create a harem of the first Urthians or Akua accidentally creating Urthians by some other means. Akua became the name-sake of the religion mostly by miscommunication and misinterpretation as adventurers go forth to explore established shrines to the goddess where ever they roamed. Making Akua's shrines and myths the most widespread across all of Akuanism all together. While majority of shrines in Akuanism isn't for Akua, she does have the most shrines directly worshiping her. The shrines of other spirits to be supplied religious paraphernalia such as amulets, coins, incense and prayer sheets to earn favor or give respects the spirit. Akuanism does not emphasize specific moral codes although it places a major conceptual focus on family/friendships and community, largely by practices such as bar craws and "adventuring."
Akuanism, outside of the [[Akuan Democracy|Akuan Republics]] and [[Novaris]] Akuanism, has no official doctrine and relies heavily on local Brewmasters to inform or tell stories of relation to the faith. Often the stories or folklore are adapted from native folklore or faith in the form of syncretism both culturally and religiously. Always taking the new lore, through Akuan lenses and interpretation. Novaris Akuanism, due to its unique development and history, has a more unified doctrine compared to other regions of the world. Including being the only region where Akuanism is found that has a unified holy text, quasi unified holidays across the region and various other similarities. Meanwhile [[Akuan Democracy|Akuan Republics]] create a uniformed dialogue, mostly shared holiday and traditions, primarily driven by the elected Brewmasters of the faith to create a shared form of Akuanism across the state.
Akuanism has doesn't have an official specific doctrinal book rather it has a collection of stories and myths, with a widely diverse range of local and regional forms with their own myths.
== Beliefs ==
Administrators, verified
