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The country is primarily made up of several twelve major ethnic groups and thirty-four minor ethnic groups. Originally was made up of only four, during the time of the [[Queendom of Lapérouse]] however after the Socialists victory in the civil and unification war. The Federation established several mass immigration programs, starting in the 1930s which greatly changed the demographics of the country, including species, ethnic group, religion and so forth. Becoming extremely multicultural in its nature, often referred by sociologists as a salad bowl. With the only clear plurality being the population being made up of Kemonomimi. Despite the multicultural background of the country, Frakanic remains as the dominant language of the country.
The Federation established itself as a large socialist power, the second largest socialist economy behind [[East Cerdani]] in the world and a regional power within [[Yasteria]].
The Federation of the Southern Coast of Lapérouse is a constitutional monarchy with monarcho-socialist elements. It is a representative democracy with three separate branches of government. It has a tricameral national legislature composed of the ‘Federal House of Regional Representatives' the upper house,  ‘Federal House of the Workers’ the lower house and the ‘Federal House of Ethnicities’ as the middle house. Majority of policy issues are decentralized, with largely different laws by jurisdiction. The Federation ranks highly in various international measures of quality of life, sapient rights, income equality, innovation and education. It has a low level of perceived corruption.  It has a single payer and centralized healthcare system. As a salad bowl or melting pot of cultures, ethnicities and species, the Federation has been shaped by both its immigrant population and its plethora of native cultures.
The Federation is a founding member of the [[Red Crown Economic Union]], founding member of the [[International Federation of Sapient Aid Organizations]], co-leader of the [[Norgsveltian Crown Realm]], driving force of [[Together Lapérouse!]] and center for several financial institutions for the socialist and developing world. TheHeadquarters Federation hasfor the tenth[[International highestSocialist militaryEndowment budgetsFund]], in[[International the worldIndustrial and aAgricultural Action Fund]], and largeseveral militaryother forcerelated outrightorganizations.
The Federation has the tenth highest military budgets in the world and a large military force outright.
== History ==
Administrators, verified


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