Federation of the Southern Coast: Difference between revisions

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* ¥4,000,000|ethnic_groups=[Reworking]|image_map=FedSoCawikimap.png|calling_code=+659|upper_house=Federal House of Regional Representatives|lower_house=Federal House of the Workers.|established_event1=End of the Great Unification Wars|established_date1=16/7/1920|image_coat=FedCoatofArms.png|common_name=Federation of the Southern Coast|regional_languages=Keltic, Vaaran, [[Wikipedia: Norwegian language|Norgsveltian]] and [[Nys'tat'en]]|leader_title3=High Jarl|leader_name3=Alexandra of House Ymirdval|population_estimate_year=2020|GDP_nominal_year=2020|currency_code=RKR|englishmotto=For Worker and Crown}}'''Southern Coast''', officially the '''Crowned Socialist''' '''Federation of the Southern Coast''', is a sea bordering country in the Far Western Yasteria. The Federation is bordered by [[Helslandr]], [[Nakosa]], [[Statisland]], [[Letollia]] and [[Vistaraland]]. The geography is dominated by the mountain range in the north and flat plains coastal regions to the south, with a large lake in the western region of the country. The climate is primary oceanic with semi-arid around the great lake. Southern Coast has a population of over 45 million.
The population is majority young and growing, primary around the new urban centers that sprawl across the republics. Primary principal language is Frakanic, with minorthough exceptionsmajority of Normandstates Republicwithin beingthe NorgsveltianFederation andhave Ireseatheir Republic.own It'sregional notedlanguage, thatsuch [[Nys'tat'en]]as usemany aspetite-nations ain languagethe hasWestern beenpart steadilyof increasingthe inFederation manyspeaking ofNorgsveltian or in the republicscentre duepart toand along the increasingcoastal amountpetite-nations ofit refugees fromis [[NystatisznaNys'tat'en]] that has arrived. The region is home to [REWORK] ethnicities manyall of them withhistorical grieves with the other, as well many immigrants coming from various developing nations and [[Akuanism|Akuan]] nations. The Federation itself is made up of twelve republics, two theocracies, three autonomous territories and nine city-states, that have a wide variety of autonomy depending on each petite-nation agreement. The Norgsvelten monarchy serves as the ceremonial head of state of the federation withbut alluniquely is legally considered to be under the Federal Prime Minister. The day-to-day responsibilities being given to The People's Federal Royal Parliament which as the main legislature of the government. The Federal Prime Minister is the de-facto head of the Federation but notand the headceremonial council of the Democratic SocialistPetite-National PartyCouncil.
The Federation had a handful scandals in the past however the Socialists still hold massive majority in the parliament. Socialists party uses a mixture of pan-nationalism, [[Monarcho-Socialism]] and the history of quality of stability, economic and living standard growth.
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=== Health ===
[Single-Payer System]
== Government and Politics ==
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=== Federal Government ===
==== Political subdivisionsConstitution ====
==== Executive Branch ====
===== Prime Minister =====
====== Cabinet ======
===== Petite-National Council =====
====== Chamber of Jarldom ======
====== Chamber of Elected ======
==== Legislative Branch ====
===== Tri-Parliament =====
====== Federal House of Workers ======
====== Federal House of Regional Representatives ======
====== Federal House of Ethnicities ======
==== Judicial Branch ====
===== Supreme Court =====
===== Ethnic Disputes Court =====
=== Petite-Nations ===
{| class="wikitable"
|Nation (Codexian)
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When it comes to loans to building infrastructure, the Federation does a joint partnership based on contribution of the money by either side and features the slow selling of the infrastructure back to the native country. For a example building a bridge within a native country, it could be a program where the Federation owns 99% of the bridge and sells 1% to 5% each year to the native country at a fixed rate adjusted for inflation. All investments, aid programs and so forth are only given and received in [[Red Krone]] traditionally, though some expectations have been made.
==== Socialist Financial Institution ====
=== Law Enforcement and Crime ===
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The economy is largely manufactural based, with the automotive industry being one of the largest on Urth. It's a mix-market economy uses both a planning and have nationalized several industries but still having free market for luxury and select items. The capitalist (for profit) companies with more than ten employees are required to follow the Rochefort model.
=== StateCategories Companiesof and InfrastructureIndustries ===
==== State Companies and Infrastructure ====
=== Worker Cooperatives ===
==== RochefortWorker modelCooperatives ====
==== Rochefort model ====
The Rochefort model is the primary economic model for the Federation and other nations such as Ymirland. The Rochefort model was named after the first economic minister of the Federation who invented the model alongside the first prime minister of the Federation, Morél Pepin. Bastien Rochefort, stated goal with the model was to create a system where the workers will eventually be able to buy the company outright and form Socialist cooperatives.
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The model within the federation has been cited by economists in Norgsveldet as a huge success. Citing the massive growth and diverse Federation economy, increasing living standards, strong worker rights and innovation. Being able to have strong automation while having strong worker regulations.
==== Agricultural Pierlot's Model ====
==== Socialist Financial InstitutionCentre ====
==== Rochefort Street Stock Exchange ====
==== Financial Research Institutions ====
==== Development Banks ====
==== Insurance Firms for Developing and Socialist Nations ====
== Culture and Society ==
Administrators, verified
