Kuduk Language: Difference between revisions

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Kuduk used to be considered a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_isolate language isolate], but has since been reclassified from a sole language to the Kuduk Language Family which encompasses the several dialects spoken in Kuduk. Although the spoken varieties of Kuduk are usually considered by native speakers to be dialects of a single language, their lack of mutual intelligibility means they are sometimes considered to be separate languages in a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_family family]. Investigation of the historical relationships among the varieties of Kuduk is ongoing.
== History ==
=== Ancient and Old Kuduk ===
=== Classical Kuduk and Literary Forms ===
=== Modern Kuduk ===
== Varieties ==
=== Grouping ===
=== Modern Standard Kuduk ===
== Phonology ==
=== Vowels ===
=== Consonants ===
== Grammar ==
== Vocabulary ==
=== Loanwords ===
== Writing Systems ==
=== Tano ===
=== Takara ===
== Common Phrases ==
