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=== Colonial Stereotypes of Akuanists ===
During the colonization of various former Akuan nations and deportation operations on [[Concord]], mostly negative stereotypes was either formed within the public Norgsveltian conscious and manufactured by the government through the colonial office. It should be noted, that many of the stereotypes, before the existence of the colonial office and during the [[Norgsveldet#Ulvikrik Empire’s Rise and Collapse (600BC-550AD)|Ulvikrik Empire]] was more generally positive in retrospect. During the Ulvikrik Empire, while Akuanists were considered second class citizens and usually enslaved. Akuanists was considered to be a loyal servant of the empire, honest and hardworking. The other hand, they was also considered to be cowardly, poor and promiscuous by the Ulvikrik Empire. Several of those stereotypes carried over in some elements during the colonial times. [[Eyjaria|Jarldom of Eyjaria]] notably having Akuan scribes within it's royal courts.
However during the [[Norgsveldet#First Norgsveltian Empire (1624-1754)|First Norgsveltian Empire]] the attitude and stereotypes towards Akuanists shifted to primary negative outlooked supported by the government. Deportations to colonies was extremely common, primary due to repeated difficulties with converting Akuanists leading to frustration within the government.
==== Settlers Attitude towards Akuan Natives ====
Administrators, verified
