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The president holds the title of [[Wikipedia:Commander-in-chief|Commander-in-Chief]] of the Volkian Defense Forces and appoints its leaders: the [[Cabinet of Volkia|Minister of National Defense]] and the [[General Staff of the Defense Forces of Volkia|General Staff]]. The [[Ministry of National Defense (Volkia)|Ministry of National Defense]] administers the armed forces, which is divided into the [[Volkian Army|Army]], [[Volkian Navy|Navy]], and the [[Volkian Air Force|Air Force]]. The number of active duty soldiers in 2020 was 323,018. The Reserves and [[Volkian National Guard|National Guard]] brought the total number of troops to 570,217. The Ministry of National Defense additionally employed 55,000 civilians, not including contractors in 2020. Volkia's annual military budget in 2021 is $71.8 billion, or 1.65% of its GDP. In absolute terms, Volkian military expenditure is the [[List of countries by military expenditure|11th highest in the world]].
Military service is voluntary though conscription can be implemented in times of "national crisis when the voluntary force has been overwhelmed." This is done through the Emergency Conscription System, which provides a list of military aged Volkian males to the Ministry of National Defense. Volkian males are required to register in this system from ages 18 to 2630, with penalties for failure to register.
Volkian nuclear deterrence relies on complete independence. The current Volkian nuclear force consists of five ''Avangard'' class and two ''Zashchitnik'' class submarines equipped with {{Wp|submarine-launched ballistic missiles}}. In addition to the submarine fleet, the country maintains approximately 150 land based ballistic missiles in nuclear silos and on mobile launchers. Roughly 50 medium-range air-to-ground missiles loaded with nuclear warheads make up Volkia's air based nuclear weapons, 38 of which are deployed by the Volkian Air Force while 12 are deployed by the Volkian Navy via aircraft launched from the country's two aircraft carriers.
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The country's 25 provinces (''oblasts'') are the principal political divisions. Each province holds jurisdiction over a defined geographic territory and shares sovereignty with the [[Federal government of Volkia|federal government]]. They are subdivided into districts (''raions'') and further divided into municipalities. Generally speaking Volkia can be grouped into three geographic regions: [[Northern Volkia]], [[Southern Volkia]], and [[Western Volkia]]. Provinces have certain rights and obligations that are defined in the [[Constitution of Volkia|Volkian constitution]] and have a certain degree of autonomy.
Provinces may freely organize their local governments and ratify their own constitutions so long as they are in line with the requirements of the federal constitution. Each province also owns and maintains their own natural and financial resources, though the federal government does own land and resources in each province; this amount varies across the provinces. Each province has a bicameral legislature, organized in a similar fashion to the federal legislature.
The constitution mandates that the provinces must maintain a representative, republican style of government and obey the constitution. Provinces may not unilaterally secede from the federation and they must remain subordinate to the federal government. Provinces are also forbidden from making war, engaging in their own foreign relations, or printing and issuing currency. Provinces may pass their own laws as long as they do not conflict with a current federal law. If a federal law contradicts a provincial law when it is passed, the federal law supersedes the provincial law. When conflicts arise regarding these situations, provinces have the right to request the Federal Supreme Court to step in.
====Federal City====
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==== Territory ====
There is a single territory (''territoriya''), which is located in the country's far north. [[Kurilsk Territory]] is the country's furthestnorthernmost north,and least populated, and newest administrative division. It joined the federal republic in 1922 as an unincorporated territory. It has since organized a local government, though federal authorities are responsible for many services. While individuals born in Kurilsk Territory are full Volkian citizens, those who are residents of Kurilsk are not able to vote in the presidential elections due to the islands' territorial status.
The territory sends two nonvoting representatives, known as delegates, to the National Assembly: one to the Chamber of Deputies and one to the Federal Council. Previously these positions were appointed by the president; today the residents of the islands choose their delegates.
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While much of the world has abolished {{Wp|capital punishment}}, it is sanctioned as a legal punishment for certain crimes at all levels: federal, provincial, and military. The Volkian public has generally supported the death penalty, with a 2018 survey reflecting 72.1% believing it to be "permissible" while 21.4% said it should be abolished. Executions happen relatively infrequently, likely due to the extensive appeals process and infrequency in which the death sentence is applied. Death sentences are typically given out in cases of multiple murder, though in extraordinary cases individuals who have committed a single murder have received the death penalty. Executions could take place years after sentencing depending on the length of the appeals process; the average time from sentence to execution is about six years. Executions are carried out by hanging or lethal injection.
Roughly 87% of residents have confidence in Volkia's security institutions. The overall crime rate in Volkia is relatively low, though some types of crime are above average for a developed nation, such as {{Wp|homicide}}. Corruption in business and government overall remains low, largely thanks to sweeping anti-corruption reforms passed in the early and mid-1970s followingin response to rampant corruption in the 1960s.
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Volkia's east is largely dominated by the Velikiye Steny, which is a popular destination for those who participate in winter sports. Skiing and snowboarding is popular, and there are several resorts dedicated to winter sports that dot the mountainous landscape. Hiking and camping is popular as well across Volkia, which have plenty of options thanks to government support at both the provincial and local levels. Campgrounds are present on much of Volkia's federal land that is managed by the Ministry of Land Management, and dispersed camping is permitted as well with some restrictions.
Much of Volkia's environment is protected in the form of national parks and nature reserves, and numerous endangered species receive protection from the government under the ProtectingProtect Endangered Species Act of 1965. Volkia has received praise in some international studies for its protection of such species and their environment, though it has also received harsh criticism for its over-exploitation of the country's fisheries, as well as extensive gas and oil drilling and mining.
==Economy ==
[[File:Korona Symbol.png|thumb|right|150x150px|The [[Volkian korona|korona]] (Ӄ) is the official currency of Volkia.]][[File:Izumrud.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Izumrud is a major shipping port of Volkia.]]Volkia has a {{wp|mixed economy}}, which has resulted in a prosperous capitalist {{wp|welfare state}} with a combination of {{wp|free market}} activity and large state ownership in certain key sectors. This was influenced first by liberal and socialist governments in the late 1920-30s and fully implemented by [[Social Democratic Union|Social Democratic administrations]] starting in 1972. Public healthcare is free and parents receive 40 weeks of paid parental leave. Volkia also guarantees its workers a minimum of 30 days paid vacation (20 paid days off, 10 public holidays). The unemployment rate is 3.4%, with 66% of the population aged 15-74 employed. Nearly 8% of the population aged 18-65 receives a disability pension and 2518% of the labor force are employed by the government. The vast majority of workers are unionized, totaling nearly 73% of the labor force in 2020.
The wage difference between the lowest paid worker and the CEO of most companies has been kept relatively low compared to other industrialized economies due to Volkian society's {{wp|egalitarian}} values. The federal minimum wage was raised to Ӄ30.00 an hour ($15.00 SHD) in early 2020, and many of Volkia's provinces have minimum wages that exceed the federal standard. Olyutorsk Oblast has the highest minimum wage, with a 2021 provincial law setting it at Ӄ37.50 an hour ($18.75 SHD). Volkia has a progressive federal income tax rate with relatively complex tax laws, with much of the tax burden falling on corporations and the highest individual earners. Most provinces levy income tax as well, but are typically significantly less than the federal tax rate. Some provinces, such as Kologorsk Oblast, Orlik Oblast, and Yekartovsk Oblast, have no provincial income tax; these provinces rely on income from their natural resources.
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===National holidays===
All eleventen federal holidays are also provincial holidays. A holiday that falls on a weekend is observed on the closest weekday. While the federal government is officially secular, four of the eleven holidays are religious holidays. A Federal Supreme Court ruling allowed the religious holidays to remain federal holidays, noting that these holidays celebrate specific events that also happen to be important to Lunarists. These four religious holidays (Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter Festivals) have been increasingly celebrated by non-Lunarists, which have become celebrations of Volkian culture.
Every year on a federal holiday, non-essential federal government offices are closed, stock trading is suspended, and every federal worker is paid for the holiday. This typically applies to provincial government offices as well. As a general rule, banks, schools, and businesses may be closed as well; this is not required. Federal law mandates anyone who works on a federal holiday be receive "time-and-a-half" for all hours worked on the holiday. Additionally, if the day was an otherwise working day for the employee, the employee shall receive vacation time equivalent to one full workday to take at another time.
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|April 17||Federation Day <br>(День Федерации)||Celebrates the ratification of the [[Constitution of Volkia]]. A majority of provinces ratified the document on April 17, 1888, though it would not go into effect until August 6, 1888. Fireworks celebrations are held throughout the nation and other festivities include barbecues and parades.
|LastApril Friday in April29||Presidents Day <br>(День президентов)||Traditionally held onWhile April 29, is [[Aleksey Pushkarev]]'s birthday, this holiday honors all of Volkia's presidents. Volkians typically celebrate with parades and barbecues.
|LastMay Monday in May25||{{nowrap|Defenders of the Federation Day}} <br>(День защитника Федерации)||Honors all members of the [[Volkian Defense Forces]]. Wreathes and flowers are laid on veteran graves and special parties and concerts are held for veterans. Firework displays are held in the evening.
|June 21||Summer Festival <br>(Весенний фестиваль)||Commemorates the summer solstice, a major holiday in Lunarism that is also celebrated by non-Lunarists with various traditions. Typical celebrations include barbecues, singing, dancing, and bonfires.
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|{{nowrap|Second Monday in July}} <br> (Biennial) ||Election Day <br> (День выборов) ||Public holiday held every two years for purposes of federal elections; many businesses are closed or have shortened hours to allow Volkian workers time to vote. The next federal elections are scheduled to be held on July 11, 2022.
|LastAugust Monday in August11||Labor Day <br> (День труда)||Honors and celebrates the Volkian labor movement and workers. The date coincides with the 1947 general strike that crippled production nationwide and ultimately led to significant rights for workers.
|September 22||Autumn Festival <br>(Осенний фестиваль)||Celebrates the beginning of autumn in Volkia, and is one of the four major holidays in Lunarism. Non-Lunarists celebrate this holiday as well; it is one of Volkia's biggest holidays. Celebrations include parades and feasts.


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