Vakrestrender: Difference between revisions

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Valkyr fashion industry was heavily subsisted in the 1950s and provided with low taxation status. As well as using connections from from the Royal Bjørn family to create network of various garment industry heads with fashion artists and designers. Acting as a middle man and the third party arbitrator for the fashion industry, a tradition carried out by royal family to this day by [[Jørgen Bjørn]].
=== AnimationMedia ===
==== Animation ====
The animation industry of Vakrestrender consists of more than 300 production companies organized into a trade association, Association of Ulvrikian Animations. The largest trade union for workers in the industry being the Animation Labor Association. The industry primary driven by the Bjørn family's patronage, healthy government subsidies in art and entertainment related industries.
==== MediaFilm ====
=== FilmMaritime Fleet ===
=== Financial center ===
Administrators, verified
