Hvaloaszna: Difference between revisions

did industry stuff, but sick brain kills me
mNo edit summary
(did industry stuff, but sick brain kills me)
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By 1890, at the request of the Norgsveltian Crown. Gerjik Torjskdal reformed the colonial laws in Sentrik and Kabeilland in which he gave limited autonomy. In which Brewmasters from both islands were allowed to propose laws to the Colonial Council that was ruling Crown Colony. Though only one law proposed by the Brewmasters was accepted, which was one that changed the name of Sentrik Island back to its native name of Ny'Akøy'En'Hvit Krystall
=== 1900s ===
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=== Agriculture ===
Valoasan's largest crops is rice, sugar beets and cotton which acts primary exports in to the [[NCEF]] and to the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]]. The policy of agricultural use has divided up between the three islands, however primary island for farming being the central island due to the Eastern island having it's nutrient depleted by the period of Vistari Colonial Company rule. The Western Island, formally had a large amount farmland however the industrialization process that took happen on the island took significantly effort that replaced the traditional farming methods translating into a more manufactory based economy.
==== Fishing and Whaling ====
The Whaling industry has been a core part of Hvaloaszna diet and culture since the settlement period of the country.
=== Service and Tourism ===
Administrators, verified
