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They also believe that sacrifices are necessary when making a Covenant (an unbreakable vow) which includes marriage to seal the bow in heaven and Urth.
Ipsitism purely endorses the latter, and does not accept the possibility of atoning for sins without strife, with it only being possible through being felled while in service to the Faith or performing a pilgrimage, with the only other option being through the sacrifice of your own life to Pax via suicide by drowning, though such a practice is increasing uncommon.
===Prophecy (''Nawbiyat'')===
Paxists believe that there are people who have been imparted with a special anointing to conduct supernatural healing, to reveal hidden and unknown truths, to cast out evil spirits and to impart messages from Noi to the nation. These people are called Prophets. Most Paxists believe that someone is a Prophet if their prophecies or miracles actually come true. However, Madvinists and Sohadekists believe that the [[Magisterium of Paxism|Magisterium]] must verify miraculous acts for a Prophet to be recognised as such.
===Pilgrimage (''Uj'')===
Paxists are encouraged to make pilgrimage to at least one of the three holiest sites of the Paxist religion if they are able to: the Temple of the Remembrance (i.e., [[Memorial of the Jovian Gate]]) in Akas Akil, Temple of the Restoration in [[Adrien]] and the Temple of the Authority in [[Bingol]]. Pilgrimage involves prayer, fasting, cleansing, sacrifice etc. The cities of Adrien and Akas Akil are off-limits to non-Paxists and the Temple Mount in Bingol on which the Temple of the Authority is located is forbidden to non-Paxists. While historically there have been less Ipsitite Pilgrimages on account that Ipsitism demands pilgrims cross the land only by foot and the sea only by boat, Ipsite pilgrims tend to be highly respected within their communities for undertaking such a task.
===Exorcism (''Xitarishme'')===
Paxists believe that evil spirits as well as the spirits of the dead can haunt places or people and cause destruction, sickness or misfortune. Thus, they believe that through sacrifice, baptism and prayer, those places or people can be exorcised of the spirits contained there.
===Mourning and burial (''Jinaza'')===
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When a child is born, their umbilical chord must be sacrificed to Noi to bless them. When they are born, a child is blessed by their parents and/or a priest. In Ipsitism, it is mandated such includes a baptism.
===Baptism (''Baptashme'')===
Baptism is a ritual conducted by which someone converts to Paxism. This ritual is only relevant for people who were not born Paxist but were born into another religion. It is the practice of a Priest or Magister submerging the convert in water after the person recites the Creed (Shahada): "There is one deity and that deity is Noi and her emissary is Pax" ("''LuilahmuLoheem luikhtmuikht naluilaharudnadine muloheemarud muNoi na luwasiyu adhun muPax''")
===Temples (''Majhid'')===
Temples are buildings specifically constructed as a place of worship for Paxists and thus under most circumstances, non-Paxists are not allowed to enter these venues. Their construction varies widely, but Paxists art is highly variable according to time and location. The most important component is to contain a large space for prayer as well as an altar for sacrifices.
== Charisma (''Kharishme'') ==
Charisma are supernatural gifts and abilities believed to be endowed on a person to carry out a task which they would have not been able to without the intervention of said ability. The charisma are believed to be imparted by Noi on humans to imbue them temporarily with an extremely small but potent portion of her personal power. Its purpose is to demonstrate the presence and power of the deity through mortal issues rather than to necessarily resolve their issue although its effect is generally the resolution of this gift.
=== Types of Charisma ===
==== Prophecy (''Nawbiyat'') ====
Paxists believe that there are people who have been imparted with a special anointing to conduct supernatural healing, to reveal hidden and unknown truths, to cast out evil spirits and to impart messages from Noi to the nation. Most importantly they must impart a warning that must come true. These people are called Prophets. Most Paxists believe that someone is a Prophet if their prophecies or miracles actually come true. However, Madvinists and Sohadekists believe that the [[Magisterium of Paxism|Magisterium]] must verify miraculous acts for a Prophet to be recognisedrecognized as such. People who believe that prophets are only meant to convey messages to people from the Hive, often prefer the term Judge (''Qadimhiva'')
==== Exorcism (''Xitarishme'') ====
Paxists believe that evil spirits as well as the spirits of the dead can haunt places or people and cause destruction, sickness or misfortune. Thus, they believe that through sacrifice, baptism and prayer, those places or people can be exorcised of the spirits contained there.
===== Glossolalia & xenolalia (''Tamkasirunhivishme'') =====
''Tamkasirunhivishme'' (colloquially known as ''Babala'') is the collective name for [[W:Glossolalia|glossolalia]] and xenolali which are known as ''luTamkasirunhivishme luBabaar'' and ''luTamkasirunhivishme luZayeen'' respectively. Glossolalia is the act of uttering random pseudo linguistic syllables with no known meaning in any sapient language. Xenolalia is the act of speaking in a natural language not known to the speaker. This two acts are believed to emerge from an outpouring of the power of the Most Beneficent to convey information (in the case of xenolalia) or to edify the believers (in the case of xenolalia). Belief in either is hotly divided with others completely dismissing the idea as something which the Most Beneficent no longer does to the other end of the spectrum where people believe that it yields deliverance from an insurmountable challenge. In ''Xitarishme'', the exorcist has been known to utter Glossolalia.
==== Healing (''Hayhahivafiyarishme'') ====
Supernatural healing is the act of healing a physical or mental ailment without the aid of medicine. This is usually done through praying from the person suffering the ailment.
=== Schools of thought ===
* '''Cessationists''' believe that Charisma are real but that Noi no longer pours them out to mortals. They might believe that some prophets are real usully Prophet Sohadek.
* '''Continuationists''' believe that Charisma are real and that Noi continues to pout them out to mortals.
== Holy sites (''leSih leHalaal'')==
