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== Economy ==
Formalization Akuan Democracy introduce foreign concepts such as taxation, unions, state-owned and privately held companies as well many other. It blends the new concepts with traditional Akuan beliefs, key example of this blend is unionizationthe introduction of new production methods to Akuanist countries.
Previously in Akuan countries, work was done in mostly by small anarchist-style workshops. Where people will only work when they want to or deem necessary to preform such labors by the community. Normally these workshops was unpaid and only done for the good of the community. As such, Akuan Democracy seeks to change the previous anarchist method into more of a mixture of state capitalist with a heavy measure of private owned companies. State owned companies primary focused around agriculture, food production, construction, utilities, transportation and a few others. While private owned companies are allowed focus on non-government claimed industries, such as textiles, restaurants and such.
Perviously in Akuan countries, work was done in mostly by....
=== Agriculture ===
Agriculture in Akuan Democracy greatly differs from practically every other state-run or privately ran farms. While all farms are under the state owned company's umbral, with farmers/ranchers owning a share in the company and has representative on the company's board. Farmers and Ranchers choose what to raise and plant on each plot, which is voted on by the farmers or ranchers who work on the plot of land. The Company services as a method of providing advisers, suggestions of what to plant or raise and equiptment to the agriculture workers. The company also sends out a manager to act as a middle man between the Company and the workers on the fields, as well to keep track of production of the goods. While the company it free to decide who gets what new equipment which often favors the plots who accept the company's suggestions. Once equipment it stays in the plot unless the cooperative of the plot decides to either loan or sell the equipment to a different plot, however only the company can decide who gets the newest equipment. As a result, agriculture cooperatives can buy from other cooperatives in the company but cannot buy equipment from outside company. Giving the company a influence over who gets the latest equipment. Fertilizer is always disputed by the company or bought by the local cooperatives, without concerns of accepting or rejecting the company's suggestions for planting or raising.
=== Unionization ===
Both in the private and government ran companies, unions was seen as not just a important aspect work life by as a religious tradition that is essential for any Akuan Democracy to have. Unions acted as a transition from the previous anarchist method of collective barging into a more modern one via unions.
== Welfare ==
Administrators, verified
