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Much discussion in the late 1990s' by the brewmasters and scholar with many of them taking harsh lines on either side of the debate citing several stories at each other. A consensus was finally reached after brewmaster of Melkvernby ''Mathias Kinn'' made the argument that a particular story wasn't literal but metaphor for vaccines themselves brought forth by Akua's wisdom. Which put a end to the discussion in late 2002.
''When several members of Akua's gathering fallen ill to the wicked ways of the heat, their bodies turning into a stone as their spirits went to tavern beyond us. Akua tears for her lost children filled lakes all of Borea, flooding a green suited man's home. When the green suit man cried out to Akua demanding why the great Goddess flooded his home with her tears, she could only point towards the graves of her lost. The green suit man understood, death comes for all mortals bodies but our spirits are eternal. The lost of one mortal body is always great lost on one's community, Akua plead with the green suited man for his assistance. So the green suit man labored for several days and nights while Akua wept before finally returning to the great one. He had tiny magical spears that when poked into one's skin it prevent the heat-rot from taking their lives. Thus Akua no-longer wept for her children's fate for as long the had tiny spears. They could be defend against the evilness of heat rot.''
=== Big Bang ===
The [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bang Big Bang theory] has been universally rejected by Akuanists, citing several dozen stories about the creation of the universal by Ny-Gin-Stol spirits. Which spiritual bodies created the physical manufactured the land, space, sea and all other bodies Urthians inhabit.
==Holy Book of Akua (WIP)==
Administrators, verified
