Carriers of Mercy: Difference between revisions

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===Early years===
[[File:Sultan Amhoud I.jpg|thumb|262x262px|[[Amhoud I]], founder of the Carriers of Mercy]]
The Carriers of Mercy was established on the proposal and under the leadership and guidance of Commissioner for Reeducation and Indoctrination and member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Packilvanian Communist Party, Amhoud Bedon. He proposed the organisation to the Standing Committee which voted in the affirmative. Some members of the Politburo who were wary of Amhoud's ambitions abstained from the vote. Dubious evidence that that they were anti-Communist sympathisers emerged and they were quickly sent to Reeducation camps where they died under mysterious circumstances.
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The Carriers also spread their influence to law enforcement. But due to the size of law enforcement, their influence was more diffuse. The Carriers struggled to penetrate the intelligence services who were avowedly devoted to the main party leadership. The problem with the intelligence services is that they were prone to infighting due to jockeying for influence. They often underestimated the political ambitions of the Carriers and missed a lot of the illegal parts of their work. They were also reluctant to attack it due to the influence it commanded especially among Politburo members. Furthermore, the Politburo members who were also Carriers members also used their influence to restrain the Intelligence Service by obstructing investigations into the Carriers activities.
===Civil War===
[[File:Propaganda Poster.png|thumb|200x200px|Propaganda poster featuring the face of Thawal Yaladir]]
Until 1974, the Carriers benefited from the fact that the Communist Party had many factions and none of them were strong or united enough to challenge their growing influence within the Party. This gave them the courage to introduce and support policies that would provide mechanisms for their members especially the senior leadership to accumulate wealth and have more control over their private lives. This included relaxes trade barriers with foreign country, allowing for the gradual recognition of property rights and allow limited private enterprise, and relax pogroms against humans and to relax restrictions against religious communities. These policies were especially popular among the people. Nevertheless, an orthodox segment of the party began go oppose these reforms.
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The Carriers invaded [[Kharyat]] and [[Ashura]]. The fighting for those provinces was heavy. The Communist Party threatened to destroy the [[Temple of the Restoration]] and the [[Memorial of the Jovian Gate]]. This caused even larger uprisings even in [[Mekedesh]] and [[Iganar]]. Millions of people were in the streets rioting and looting government buildings and publicly executing state officials. Law enforcement were powerless to stop the ensuing anarchy and violence. After some years of fighting [[Iganar]], [[Kharyat]] and [[Ashura]] fell.
[[File:Nagasakibomb.jpg|thumb|239x239px|Mushroom cloud of the nuclear strike on Asmalan, [[Iganar]]]]
Seeing how dire the situation was against him, Thawal Yaladir ordered a nuclear strike against the city of Asmalan in Iganar when he received intelligence that Amhoud was there and that the PLA had him pinned down and unable to escape. Amhoud managed to escape that town evading the first and sole use of nuclear weapons in one's own country. Over 100,000 people died from the blast and the town of Asmalan was wiped off the map. This caused the remainder of the Communist Party to depose Thawal Yaladir and his cronies. They executed him, put Iman Erdahin in power. Erdahin dissolved the party and handed over power to the Carriers and granted independence to Tasselvalta.
