Timeline of world history: Difference between revisions

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*13 April 2020: The royal family is forced to flee from Albanares amid fear of being killed by the Züra-Mehdi government.
* 24 April 2020: [[Tuvaltastan]] and [[Ayaupia]] conduct the 2020 Handover Ceremony of Komertsiya Port, marking a symbolic end to the global Salovian empire.
* 21 June - 10 July 2020: [[Rodenia]], with the assistance of the Puntalian armed forces, invades [[Puntalia]] and triggers the [[2020 Puntalian Crisis|Puntalian Crisis]].
* 20 July 2020: Assassination of Frederick Gerritzoon, Grand Duke of Zijrivierland and Head of the Vistari Government by a Vorpestian Nationalist.
cartographer, Administrators, verified
