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The '''Salovian Civil War''' was a series of conflicts and battles related to the collapse of [[Salovia|The Grand Republic of Salovia]]. Spanning over twenty years, the civil war included a variety of belligerantsbelligerents, primarily ranging from small guerilla forces supported by, the Salovian government toitself, and the Independencerevolutionary frontsforces of the Lovelian and Khermali regions. The war canis beoften split into three primary phases: The Revolutionary Phase, categorized by the final years of Salovia and the rise of the Lovelian and Volovan forces, this phase seeing the most bloodshed; the Post-Collapse Phase, marked by the collapsefall of the Salovian government and itsthe replacement of which by Baykalia, and the military intrusion by Oscrelia into the northeastern portion of Salovia; and the Stabilization Phase, a period of decreasing military actionsaction and a realization of the modern borders, officially established by the [[Treaty of Astravili (2005)|Treaty of Astravili]].
There is no singular catalyst for the civil war, considering the wide range of sociopolitical and geopolitical variables that preceded the war by centuries. However, the events often used as the prelude to the civil war are a series of events known as the [[Novugdidi Crisis]], which culminated with the assassination of Chancellor [[Ivan Strovani]] on 18 June 1985. His assassination marks the beginning of the war proper, resulting in a string of uprisings focused around the [[Shagonar]] metropolitan region and the cities straddling the [[Khermali River]].
The civil war has had long-lasting and consequential effects on the geopolitical landscape of Aurora, most notably the debate on which nation would become the legal successor nation, mainly concerning the existence of Salovian colonies in [[Gondwana]] and the question of [[Auroran Continental Assembly|ACA]] membership.
For most of Salovian history, unity was maintained through the existence of the [[Boliari]], a collection of influential individuals whose personal interests (be it commercial, political, or otherwise) relied on the existence of Salovia and most importantly the uninterrupted connection between the northern and southern coastlines of Aurora, Salovia's most important asset. Barring a few periods of instability, the Boliari and the Salovian Monarchs held the nation together. This stability would permanently fracture with the advent of the Era of Unrest in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, the [[Posolic Wars]] marking the shift away from a unified nation and the drift towards a collection of unique cultural identities. Though the Grand Republic eventually coalesced into a working replacement for the monarchy and the Boliari, the cultural differences first instilled during the [[Salovia#Salovian Interregnum|Salovian Interregnum]] had been magnified during the Era of Unrest, resulting in an irreversible cultural drift that was exacerbated by the unpopular involvement of Salovia in the [[Auroran Imperial War]]. Additionally, the outsized influence of Baykalian individuals in Salovian politics further complicated the question of unity.
==Pre-war Events==
===Novugdidi Crisis===
===Great Loveli-Khermali Uprising===
==Revolution (1985-1992)==
==Post-Collapse (1992-2001)==
==Stabilization (2001-2005)==
==Course of the War==
cartographer, Administrators, verified
