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Following the idea that, as Impelanta III herself did, no blood connections were needed for political legitimacy, the House of the Impeles was expulsed from Arsal when the last of their monarchs, Impelanta XI, claimed to descend from the founder of Impelanza. This is now broadly considered to be a pretext for the growing power the aristocrats linked to the Impeles had acquired for some time already.
The name for the following period was implemented by the Arsalic Commonweath historians; however, the current knowledge of the transition period between Impelanza and this era makes it clear that it was a continuation of the process of political independence from the Arsalian power that had started when the Arsalian rulers had stopped enforcing any loyalty to the Impeles, other than religiously wise. The Arsalian Alliance lasted for three more centuries, but the relevance of what formerly was Impelanza's capital was limited. Arsal, being in Peragen Exterior and lacking any territorial connection to the continent, was left as a ceremonial site for the rest of monarchies, who kept on following the Tunseist religion but refused to give Arsal any political power over them. The territories that stood loyal to the Arsalian political power were
In continental Peragen, the realm of Conoso was well located near to the coastal centres and Intergua. Trade flowed through it, and the access to the Interguan resources made the monarchy prosperous. The Conosian Games were founded in response to the Aldanics, and after them came other as the Lespanzan Games or the Mernian Games. It must be noted that these countries did not cease to participate in the Aldanics despite the appearance of new games, but it reflected how other rulers now had the influence enough to organise their own events in parallel while Arsal's power was now a symbol of what it used to be. Thanks to its prosperity, the realm gained in military force and expanded its territory until controlling important cities such as Pelda, Segata, Portóculo, Tolcázar or Orita, as well as all the lowlands delimited by the borders with the Erranzan sphere, the Peragen River and Intergua. Conoso's largest extension happened in the 7th century AD, and could only stop after its repeated and failed attempts to enter the Interguan and Erranzan states, since the Conosian tactics were only effective inland. Even when the realm would loose territories progressively until disappearing in the 10th century, the peak cultural period happened during the next two centuries, with the flourishing of the literary genre of the novel, derived from the previous century's philosophical trends and many times serving as mythical allegories to them.
=== The Nordian Empire and the return of the Impeles ===
Conoso's state, together with the Elvish states located in current day Wed Shams, north and west of Rodenia, as well as the eastern Peragian Sea coast, large portions of Intergua, and northern Erranza and Lespanza, would fall under the rule of the Lewizi kings Nordin V, who died during the siege of Marga, and Nordin VI, who marched forward from their original territories in the sources of the river Shams after two years of locust plagues, as reported from the historians of the time and later evidences. The fragmentation southern Arcturia had experienced for long centuries, plus the agricultural crisis lasting since the Toré eruption and the consequent general reduction of the military forces left an easy path for the strengthened Lewizi realm to expand across the Peragian region with a small but tactically effective force in the span of 10 years, with the last moves made in the year 960.
Nordin VI's successor, Altash, would move to Conoso and establish there the empire's capital permanently; in the process, she also adopted Tunseism, abandoning the previous Nefisi beliefs Lewizi monarchs had followed, and built stronger ideological ties with Impelanza, such as the expansion on the section of Impelanta's story in which she stays with the Elvish peoples in the area east to the Peragian Sea. Those peoples, sworn to Impelanta, were described as being ancestors of the Lewizi, and Altash and her successors claimed the Arsalian title of Guardians of Her Legacy. Altash's reign would last 102 years, a long span among Elvish queens.
The Nordian empire would last in the boundaries Nordin VI defined until Altash's successor, Tunsayehu. By his 46th year of reign (1108), the inner tensions inside the Lewizi elites, which confronted supporters and detractors of the "impelanzation" the empire was undergoing not only in the ideological field, but also around the economical and administration aspects (in which Altash was inspired as a model of efficiency), made the empire split in half. After Tunsayehu's forced abdication and the subsequent inner Lewizi war, the result left the Peragen river as border between the two newly formed realms, which would follow different trends from that moment.
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