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==== Cremation ====
[[File:Grave of Uemura Naomi.jpg|thumb|What a standard Akuanist grave looks like]]
The coffin is placed on a tray outdoors in at crematorium and a trained pyrotechnician contracted by the brewmaster sets the body on fire. The family gathers watches the body burns from a safe distance, where they are to celebrate the memory of the dead. Passing bottle of a the deceased favorite drink around telling stories about them.
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The date of the grave being raised and family name will be engraved on the side of the monument. The names of the deceased engraved on the urn and not the never on the monument itself. Graves often have a box for business cards, where friends and relatives visiting the grave can drop their business card, informing the caretakers of the grave of the respects the visitor have paid to the deceased.
=== Holidays ===
Akuanism has several religious holidays majority of them are only celebrated locally. However Naylorbrookisza in early 1930s promoted dozen holidays that she believed best respect Akua and promoted her values. She also adapted some of the more non-religious cultural custom in Borea, such as Midwinter.
[[File:Slay day.jpg|thumb|A young girl celebrating her victory in a recent pose off contest]]
==== Slay Day ====
Slay day is held every Barmun the 4th, is celebrates a battle between Akua and Demonlord where Akua without any help from anyone and totally alone. Blew up the Demonlord with a single blast of her mighty explosive staff. The tradition involves the participants wearing a long red tunic, long black pointy hat and a homemade explosive staff using a wooden crook with a red ball hanging in the middle of the hook. The followers bring a small wooden toy that in the likeness of the Demonlord and fireworks. Then the holiday festive begin with by putting all the toys in the large pile tied to the fireworks before setting them off in one giant explosion. However several cities have passed bans on using fireworks due to safety concerns, favoring to dig a pit outside of town to the throw the toy into the hole before setting the pit on fire. During the event drinks of a light ales will be handed out along with cornbread and small bits of roasted meat. The holiday is often a all day event with several contests such as cooking, best costume and dramatic pose off.
==== Midwinter ====
Midwinter is a 10 day long festival in which cultists cook various lavish dishes and drink their finest alcohol stock with their neighbor. It was roots in Western Borean customs but Naylorbrookisza decided to adopt this custom as part of her attempt to unify the Akuan faith. It's held after the end of very Earlymun and lasts for ten days before Yearmun starts.
==== Taming of the Plow ====
[3rd of Iilymum]/[March 1st]
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In the evening, games and dances take place. Children play games to win prizes and sweets. Rows of street food vendor's sprawl across the carnival, side by side with the gaming booths and the dance platform is in the center of the festival.
== Shrine Architecture ==
[[File:Plan of Shinto Shrine.jpg|thumb|Plan of a Akuanist Shrine]]
The following is a diagram illustrating the most important elements of a Akua shrine:
# Helligabborport -- is a traditional Akuanist gate most commonly found at the entrance of or within a Akuan shrine, where it symbolically marks the transition from the mundane to the sacred.
# Stone stairs, very rarely included in any shrine. Often preferring to use a ramp or another form of movability.
# Helligsti– the approach to the shrine
# Bønnebrett – Small building reserved for placing of prayer sheets.
# Lanterne– decorative stone lanterns
# Kontor – Shrine's administrative office and storage.
# Helligdomstempel– Where the brewing liquor and food is prepared then handed out to followers. Acts as the worship building for Akua and only her name is allowed to be stated within these halls.
# Helligsti – A secondary Helligsti, reserved for more serious matters.
# Naturånd – small auxiliary shrines, for reserved for minor spirits in the area.
# Vøktere – Guardians of the shrine, usually statues of dogs or guards.
# Husavann– A large building reserved for rituals and special dances. Off-limits to the public outside of those occasions
# Gjerde – fence surrounding the ''åndehus''
# Åndehus – main hall, enshrining a major spirit of the area. It's forbidden to bring up Akua name in these places, due to her petty nature. Off limits to the public and reserved for priestess/priests entry only. As to not accidently offend the spirit of the shrine.
== History ==
=== Syncretism with Asatru ===
When Asatru was introduced from viking traders from [[Eyjaria|Eyjarian]] in the early 700s AD. Early Akuanist scholars theorized that both religions are true and the gods referenced by Akua are the same ones the Asatru worship. They theorizing that where Akua was more involved in Borea, the gods referred in the Asatru hold domain else where. It should be noted, that these early theologians never traveled to Concord and thus never visited a real Asatru temple. Relaying on stories brought by merchants and traveling priests to help fill the narrative they was trying to understand. The regionalized and highly diverse nature of Akuanism interacted in several ways.
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Shines (of Akua) have select prayers that are still held in old Eyjarian, these prayers are only held twice a year and considered to be some of the more archaic in nature.
== Akua vs Science ==
=== Evolution ===
Evolution for the like of a better word is considered to be a form of light heresy or a deliberate insult to a Akuanists belief system. Many cultists firmly believe in the many stories about Akua's creation of the first Urthians, often citing the similar story.
''Akua grew bored of her harem and wine, her desire to create exotic tastes. Her desires lead her to an alchemist lab where she made vodka from potatoes and with corn she made the first moonshine bottle. She tasted her works and slept, the thinking machine carried her to her resting spot. Her drunkard ramblings told the thinking machines to create her a harem. The thinking machines spent much time in the alchemist labs while Akua rested fulfilling her drunk desires. Creating the first Urthians.''
=== Vaccines ===
Much discussion in the late 1990s' by the brewmasters and scholar with many of them taking harsh lines on either side of the debate citing several stories at each other. A consensus was finally reached after brewmaster of Melkvernby ''Mathias Kinn'' made the argument that a particular story wasn't literal but metaphor for vaccines themselves brought forth by Akua's wisdom. Which put a end to the discussion in late 2002.
''When several members of Akua's gathering fallen ill to the wicked ways of the heat, their bodies turning into a stone as their spirits went to tavern beyond us. Akua tears for her lost children filled lakes all of Borea, flooding a green suited man's home. When the green suit man cried out to Akua demanding why the great Goddess flooded his home with her tears, she could only point towards the graves of her lost. The green suit man understood, death comes for all mortals bodies but our spirits are eternal. The lost of one mortal body is always great lost on one's community, Akua plead with the green suited man for his assistance. So the green suit man labored for several days and nights while Akua wept before finally returning to the great one. He had tiny magical spears that when poked into one's skin it prevent the heat-rot from taking their lives. Thus Akua no-longer wept for her children's fate for as long the had tiny spears. They could be defend against the evilness of heat rot.''
== Holy Book of Akua (WIP) ==
In the beginning the land laid bare, hopeless and sober. Thy Akua flew down on a lighting bolt, to breathe life into the empty world. Wielding knowledge of thy heavens Akua made heaven on Urth, with thinking machines that did all the labors and a kegs of wine that never empty. Akua had hair that was as blue as the sea and flowed like a river down to her waist. Her gaze is the same as an iceberg.