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{{Main|Writings of Paxism}}
The ''Ichtmar'' was written by Prophet Besmali in 2000 BCE. It contains the creation story that forms the basis of the religion. It draws on and synthesizes multiple oral and written sources. It contains an account of how the world was created, how the Esma were made, how Borg turned from righteousness and inflicted corruption on and assumed control of the world, and how Noi rejected and abandoned the planet. It contains an account of the Pax's journey of discovering Noi, rejecting Borg and being empowered with the ability to defeat him. The book ends with a description of a prophecy of how Borg would escape from the Jovian Gate and Pax would destroy him forever and set Urth free from evil.
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The ''Haagemar'' also draws on the creation myth account as provided by the Ichtmar but makes modifications with respect to the mortality of the Pax informed by the polytheistic teachings and beliefs of pagan kingdom that received Paxism. It contains a description of the apotheosis of the Pax and his marriage with Noi. It contains a detailed list and description of the Haagen, the children created by Pax and Noi through their marriage who were assigned control over areas of Urth's natural phenomena and the fates of humans. Although it does not explicitly call for the creation of religious leaders dedicated to each Haagen, these leaders and their communities developed organically.
The ''Bas Magdamar'' draws on a desire by scholars and religious leaders who were influenced by the Yehudite sect to return to the monotheism of the ''Vagumar''. However, it bows to the centrality of the position of Pax in beliefs by describing him as a special spiritual intecessorintercessor for mortals. This book's title means True Great Writing which reflects its creator's desire to centralise and control religious teaching. Thus, it calls for the creation of a religious government with the authority to interpret and direct the worship of its people. Therefore, it creates room for the creation of authoritative religious writings.
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The three holiest places in Paxism are the Temple of the Remembrance (more commonly known as the [[Memorial of the Jovian Gate]] or simply the Jovian Gate) in [[Akas Akil]], the Temple of the Authority (located on the site of the [[Bingol Royal Palace]]) in [[Bingol]] and the [[Temple of the Restoration]] in [[Adrien]] all of which are located in Packilvania.
The first iteration of the Memorial of the Jovian Gate was built by followers of the Prophet Besmali to commemorate the Battle of Pax and Borg. The Battle of Pax and Borg is regarded as the most important event in Paxism after the Creation of the Universe because it was at this point that the Borg, an evil Esma was defeated by Pax and sealed away behind a magical barrier known as the Jovian Gate. The Memorial of the Jovian Gate contains the oldest copy of the ''Ichtmar'' in existence and many people believe that it is the original copy penned by Besmali himself. The area gained added significance by being struck by a meteor in the year 0CE, an event believed to be the third most important event in Paxism and currently marks the [[Common Era calendar|start of the New Year]]. Thus, it is regarded as the holiest site in Paxism.
The [[Temple of the Restoration]] is built on the site where King Suleiman of Yehudah received a vision from Noi and Pax to start writing the ''Vagumar'' to bring the nations under a single version of Paxism. At the Palace that was formerly located on the site, Jerome of Damaclion conducted the work of compiling writings from notable scholars and prophets alongside the Ichtmar into a single document known as the ''Vagumar''. At this same spot, a council of scholars and prophets from across Central Yasteria approved the final document which today comprises the bulk of the writings of Paxists in the world. It is the second holiest site in Paxism and is the last whose holiness is undisputed.
The Temple of the Authority is located on a hill in [[Bingol]] that forms part of the [[Bingol Royal Palace]] complex. It was the location where High King Melkezedek ordered various scholars to compile the ''Bas Magdamar'' due to the fact that there was major divisions among Paxists due to the infiltration of pagan ideals and beliefs. It builds on the ''Vagumar'' and by extension the ''Ichtmar'' with a few other writings specifically related to religious authority and interpretation. This was the site where Melkezedek issued a Decree proclaiming the establishment of the Magisterium and at which he summoned the Council of Bingol to approve the ''Bas Magdamar''. All Paxists hold that it is an important site, but the degrees vary. In Melkezedekism it is the third holiest site equal to Adrien and Akas Akil. In Yehudism and Ipstitism, it is holy but not equal to Akas Akil and Adrien due to the face that Magisterium is recognised as important but hardly authoritative. This means to them pilgrimage to Bingol is not compulsory but edifying. In Obedism it is holy because King Obed III issued additions to the Bas Magdamar''Vagumar'' from the same place.
There are other sites of minor religious significance in Paxism as follows:
