Akuanism: Difference between revisions

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| headerstyle = background:#F0DC82;
| label1 = | label2 = Belief | data2 = [[wikipedia:pantheism|Pantheism]] ; [[wikipedia:animism|Animism]]
| label3 = Deity | data3 = Akua; other gods are acknowledged but not namedFreyrmama; varietyhundreds of "lesser" spirits.
| label4 = Region(s) | data4 = Borea;
| label5 = | data5 =
| label6 = Founded | data6 = Enters into the historical record in 5th4th century BCE; with possible roots dating back to the 2nd1nd millennium BCE
| label7 = Origin | data7 = Borean Cultural Traditions;
| label8 = Temples | data8 =
Administrators, verified
