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== History ==
{{Main|History of the the Oan Isles}}
=== Pre-history ===
The Oan Isles was first colonised by human beings 90,000 years ago. These humans migrated from Yasteria to populate Aurora. There are contradicting conclusions drawn by archeologists as to the nature of these humans and how they spread as they did. It is believed that they made simple rafts from branches of trees strewn together with vines and simple rope made from braiding grass. They possessed basic navigation as there is evidence of cave and rock paintings and carvings depicting what scientists believe are star constellations. These primitive people are believed to have mostly worn simple clothes made from animal skins and basic plants such as grasses which they found lying around. They used basic tools such as stone and bone tools to cut things, skin animals and so on. It is believed that they possessed a rudimentary understanding of hygiene as they had toothbrushes made from the fibrous tissue of branches and sticks from the toothbrush tree. These people were almost entirely hunters, gatherers and simple fishermen. They often moved around often to follow the shoals of fish. Fish were their primary food source and they greatly revered fish as fish are featured in their paintings. Based on remains of canoes buried with the bones of some men, it is believed that sailing and fishing were regarded as signs of wealth and virility.
