The Oan Isles: Difference between revisions

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All nations of Aurora, former Allies and Axis power alike, held another summit in which the decided to found the [[United Nations of the Auroran Continent]].<ref>''In Defence of Peace''. Nov 2017 - Jan 2018.</ref><ref>''Mending Wounds''. Dec 2017 - Jul 2018.</ref> They hoped to address the concerns and criticisms of not only the Oan Isles, but of others who found fault with the manner in which the ACA had handled and subsequently brought about the Second Auroran Imperial War. Unfortunately, Republican Ethalria was still not punished, but the political leadership of the Oan Isles believed that Pan-Auroran political thought could still be useful in preventing future wars.
=== War of the Kohatu Isles ===
=== War of the Kohatu Isles<ref>''Gems Shine Better Free''. Aug 2017 - Oct 2017. The East Pacific Forum Topic.</ref> ===
{{Main|Kohatu War}}
The [[Kohatu Isles|Kōhatu Isles]] (also known as Gemica in Staynish) are a small group of islands south of [[East Malaysia]]. They were ruled by a dictatorial one party state called the Diamond Authority (''Ka Mana Daimana''). The National Liberation Movement (''Ka lahui ho'okuu lahui'') had organised workshops, boycotts, protests and distributed pamphlets in opposition to the state, but it operated in secrecy and had little impact. After being invited by one of its leaders, Moissanite, Lazuli (''Palauokole''), a miner, organised a protest in a mine in Agate City ('' 'Eka kai''), that gained international attention after being seen by Oan investors who went to visit.<ref>''Gems Shine Better Free''. Aug 2017 - Oct 2017. The East Pacific Forum Topic.</ref>
Emboldened by Lazuli's actions, the NLM organised protests and propaganda throughout the country, culminating in a protests in front of the main government building in which people burnt their identity books and proclaimed their support of the Oan Isles. They were met with repression by the state which downgraded diplomatic relations with the Oan Isles. The Oans decided to provide support to the NLM. Together with NLM members, they entreated Opal (''Papa''), Lazuli's wife, to be the face of the revolution. After destroying her home fleeing to the autonomous Jewelica Island, she agreed.
