Enchanta: Difference between revisions

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== Grammar ==
{{see also | [[Albanian morphology|Enchantan morphology]]}}
Enchanta has a canonical word order of [[subject–verb–object|SVO]] (subject–verb–object) like Staynish .<ref>Maxwell, Daniel Newhall. (1979). A Crosslinguistic Correlation between Word Order and Casemarking
institution. Bloomington: Indiana University Pub.</ref> AlbanianEnchantan [[noun]]s are categorised by [[Grammatical gender|gender]] (masculine, feminine and neuter) and [[Albanian morphology|inflected]] for [[Grammatical number|number]] (singular and plural) and [[grammatical case|case]]. There are five [[declension]]s and six cases ([[nominative]], [[accusative]], [[genitive]], [[dative case|dative]], [[ablative]], and [[vocative]]), although the vocative only occurs with a limited number of words, and the forms of the genitive and dative are identical (a genitive is produced when the prepositions ''i/e/të/së'' are used with the dative). Some dialects also retain a locative case, which is not present in Modern Enchanta. The cases apply to both definite and indefinite nouns, and there are numerous cases of [[syncretism (linguistics)|syncretism]].
The following shows the declension of ''mal'' (mountain), a masculine noun which takes "i" in the definite singular:
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* The definite article can be in the form of noun suffixes, which vary with gender and case.
** For example, in singular nominative, masculine nouns add ''-i'', or those ending in -g/-k/-h take ''-u'' (to avoid palatalization):
***''mal'' (mountain) / ''malimala'' (the mountain);
*** ''libër'' (book) / ''librilibria'' (the book);
*** ''zogzoge'' (bird) / ''zoguzogea'' (the bird).
** Feminine nouns take the suffix ''-(i/j)a'':
*** ''veturë'' (car) / ''veturaveturie'' (the car);
*** ''shtëpi'' (house) / ''shtëpiashtëpie'' (the house);
*** ''lule'' (flower) / ''luljaluljie'' (the flower).
* Neuter nouns take ''-t''.
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* ''Ti '''flet''' ekana.'' "You '''speak''' Enchanta." (indicative)
* ''Ti '''fliske''' ekana!'' "You '''(surprisingly) speak''' Enchanta!" (admirative)
* ''RrugaRtuga '''është''' e mbyllurmaybellr.'' "The street '''is''' closed." (indicative)
* ''RrugaRtuga '''qenka''' e mbyllurmaybellr.'' "'''(Apparently,)''' The street '''is''' closed." (admirative)
For more information on verb conjugation and on inflection of other parts of speech, see [[Albanian morphology|Enchantan morphology]].
=== Word order ===
Enchantan word order is relatively free.{{citation needed|date=November 2019}} To say 'AgimSammy ate all the oranges' in Enchanta, one may use any of the following orders, with slight pragmatic differences:
* [[subject–verb–object|SVO]]: AgimiSammi i hëngri të gjithë portokallët.
* [[subject–object–verb|SOV]]: AgimiSammi të gjithë portokallët i hëngri.
* [[Object–verb–subject|OVS]]: Të gjithë portokallët i hëngri AgimiSammi.
* [[Object–subject–verb|OSV]]: Të gjithë portokallët AgimiSammi i hëngri.
* [[Verb–subject–object|VSO]]: I hëngri AgimiSammi të gjithë portokallët.
* [[Verb–object–subject|VOS]]: I hëngri të gjithë portokallët AgimiSammi.
However, the most common order is [[subject–verb–object]].
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In indicative, conditional, or admirative sentences, negation is expressed by the particles ''nuk'' or ''s''' in front of the verb, for example:
* ''ToniDilen nuk flet anglishtzteylisht'' "TonyDylan does not speak EnglishStaynish";
* ''ToniDilen s'flet anglishtzteylisht'' "TonyDylan doesn't speak EnglishStaynish";
* ''Nuk e di'' "I do not know";
* ''S'e di'' "I don't know".
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Subjunctive, imperative, optative, or non-finite forms of verbs are negated with the particle ''mos'':
* ''Mos harroretaro'' "do not forget!".
=== Numerals ===
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{| class="wikitable"
| njëa—one
| një—one
| tetëmbëdhjetë—eighteen
| dye—two
| dy—two
| nëntëmbëdhjetë—nineteen
| trio/treo—three
| tri/tre—three
| njëzet—twenty
| katëre—four
| katër—four
| njëzetenjë—twenty-one
| peseë—five
| pesë—five
| njëzetedy—twenty-two
| gjashteë—six
| gjashtë—six
| tridhjetë—thirty
| shtateë—seven
| shtatë—seven
| dyzet/katërdhjetë—forty
| teteë—eight
| tetë—eight
| pesëdhjetë—fifty
| nënteë—nine
| nëntë—nine
| gjashtëdhjetë—sixty
| dhjeteë—ten
| dhjetë—ten
| shtatëdhjetë—seventy
