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Rhea's first royal act was to hold trial for both Sir Vanos and Lord Albertus. They were sentenced to death for treason, and their exceution was held on September 20th, 1853.
===='''The Three King Crisis (1870-1880)'''====
On December 1st, 1870, Prince Erik I was crowned King of Eastern Alksearia. At only 17 years old, he was left with little to no aid in running the Kingdom. His father, King-father Dylan, left the royal palace and abandoned his child to be in charge of the whole
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The Interregnum begins when the government formed by Alvarious II collapses with the resignation of PM Alvarious II. Alvarious II resigns over the inability to keep control over the Parliament, and the lack of power the Reformist Party had in 1889. The Reformist Party immediately went to a conference where the party was shocked to learn that Alvarious II has completely resigned from the Parliament and the Reformist Party, which is directly in violation of the Parliament Act passed by his father. The Party started the conference on November 29th, 1889, but would end prematurely on January 2nd, 1890. The Party voted to dissolve, leaving the "Independents" in charge of the Parliament. The Parliamentarian Party proposed resolution CL-Dissolve, which was passed 149-1. The only vote against was by a hardcore reformist, MP Allaniar of the North Urgia, who had a reputation of voting against the will of the Parliament. On January 3rd, 1890, the government formally declared that they were dissolving without any successor. At 12:35pm, the Monarchist Party of the Parliament had declared that they were declaring Lord Eldras VI of House Tuvania as the successor to the Parliament. At the same time, the Parliament faction declared that their leader, MP Antonio of West Soria, was going to call for a new elections. At 2:20pm, the leaders from both side met at Urgia-Novia in the Urgia State House to discuss terms on the new government. On January 4th, at 8:30am, the closed-door conference had started between Lord Eldras VI and MP Antonio had begun. By 9:04am, reports of a compromise had emerged from the meeting. At 9:10am, the first coalition had officially formed, but at 9:20am, the coalition fell apart after a driver outside the Urgia State House opened fire and fatally shot both MP Antonio and Lord Eldras VI. On January 5th, MP Allaniar declared that he was responsible for the shooting, and that he has declared himself Lord sovereign of Eastern Alksearia until a new Parliament could be elected, where he would propose a new Constitution and declaring all nobility to be enemies of the state. Lord Hector I of House Tuvania was announced as the new sovereign over Alksearia where his first Declaration of office declared the end of the Republic and any MP that refused to acknowledge the kingdom, would be treated enemies against the Crown. On January 5th at 11:43am, the Reformists and a good chunk of the Parliamentarians declared their independence as the Republic of New Alksearia. The newly declared Kingdom immediately declared war on the Republic, leading to the events of the Alksearian Civil War.
==== Civil War (1890-92)====
After the assassination,
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