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In the physical layer, the God-on-Urth manifested our star system. On Urth he created life as we know it. He separated yet more of his very being and created the first humans. From there, he took different aspects of himself and formed the other species of Urth accordingly. Unlike the angel's, who were seen as perfect, immortal beings, with no wants, needs, or feelings, Urth's life was flawed. Humans and the other species had limited lifespans; they had wants and needs; they fought, murdered, and stole from each other; and they had emotions both negative and positive. The angels, seeing themselves as superior, wished to rule over the life on Urth, but the God-on-Urth refused. Although all-powerful, creation had left the God-on-Urth's physical form drained. Seeking to restore his physical form quickly, the God-on-Urth attempted to bring some of the angels back into his being. Having already been refused the right to rule over the Urth, the angels fought against this reassimilation. Although during the battle over half of the angels perished, they slew the God-on-Urth's physical form, with his essence returning to his true form.
Although in no way dead, the God-on-Urth was seriously weakened by the angels slaying his physical form, and so he went into a deep slumber. With the angels now in control of Iphelaris, they soon discovered that they were unable to actually leave and conquer the Urth, so the place which had once been their home was now effectively their prison. However, one thing the angels discovered during their time in Iphelaris was that the essences of mortals would arrive in Iphelaris when they died. The angels would consume these essences in order to increase their power, and during this time, Teirhetal became the High King of the Angels.


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