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Sorentavia and Crencello is a federal one-party socialist directorial republic consisting of two constituent states officially referred to as socialist republics, further divided into thirteen provinces of varying autonomy. The Sorentavian Constitution as adopted in 1981 describes the Marblec Socialist Union (MSU) as the sole legal political party. Prior to 1981, the republics were co-governed by the Garbon Socialist Party of Sorentavia and the Crencello Liberationist Front before merging to form the MSU. Further reform entering into the 21st century has devolved power of the party, returning a great deal of autonomy to the regional branches of the organization. The General Secretary of the Marblec Socialist Union is the most senior position in the party and the ''de facto'' leader of the Sorentavia. The current General Secretary is Naveed Al-Amin.
The Sirdar Almontakhabayn of the Socialist Republics of Sorentavia and Crencello is the collective head of state of the republics. Since the adoption of the 1981 Constitution, the Sirdar Almontakhabayn is made up of fifteen members under the title of Sirdar Montakhab, or simply Sirdar, thirteen of which are elected by their respective provincial legislatures and two elected by popularthe voteRegional toPeople's representCouncils theof twoSorentavia and republicsCrencello, all approved by the National People’s Council. Powers given to the Sirdars include representing the country, commanding the People’s Defense Force, appointing generals, proposing candidates for prime minister and the Federal Council, proposing candidates for federal judges, and appointing ambassadors. Since the inception of the current political system, the General Secretary of the MSU always holds a position as Sirdar, usually through the SorentaviaSorentavian election or byPeople's the Alvyda provincial legislatureCouncil. According to the constitution, the Sirdar Almontakhabayn equally share power, but in practice it is the General Secretary who exercises authority. The Sirdars serve for five years with unlimited terms.
The National People’s Council (NPC) is the 200500-delegate unicameral legislative body of Sorentavia and Crencello. Presiding over the body is the People’s Council Speaker who is elected by the representatives of the Council.
The Prime Minister of the Socialist Republics of Sorentavia and Crencello, is head of government of Sorentavia and Crencello who presides over the Federal Council. The candidate for the position is proposed by the Sirdar Almontakhabayn from among themselves and appointed by the People’s Council. The prime minister
The Supreme People’s Court of Sorentavia and Crencello is the highest judicial court of the Socialist Republics of Sorentavia and Crencello. The Council of Justices consists of the Chief Justice and fourteen Deputy Chief Justices who are nominated by the Sirdar Almontakhabayn and appointed by the People’s Council.
