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===Sorentavian War of Independence===
As the Great War increased in intensity, moral and living conditions began faltering in Sorentavia which kindled a growth of dissatisfaction and resentment for the monarchy. Protests and strikes picked up throughout 1905 which led to clashes with police and soldiers, leaving 746 dead by the end of the year. Opposition groups, such as the Garbon Socialist Union and the Alvyda Students Association, further consolidated together to organize protests across Sorentavia and set collected demands. The general demands of the opposition included a more representative civil government, an end to the conscripting of young Sorentavians to fight in the war, and improvements to workplace conditions.
The demonstrations reached their breaking point in March 1906 when demoralized troops stationed in Alvyda deserted in mass and officers declaring their support with the opposition. Barracks across Sorentavia were either left emptied or overrun by opposition forces armed with captured weapons. Fearing for their lives, the governor and his officials of the provincial government departed the island on 27 March, leaving Sorentavia to opposition forces who quickly established an interim government. This was only the beginning of further conflict to the dismay of the opposition as requests for negotiations with the monarchy were denied. Instead, Sorentavia was declared a rogue state by Packilvania and an invasion force was formed to retake the island.