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The toll that the Crisis took on Benito Ares slowly made itself manifest over the course of 1985 through 1987. Sebastián would come to represent his father on most occaisons, appearing at meetings of the Royal Cabinet, public events, and state dinners. When the King announced he would abdicate in 1987, he had already delegated most of his duties to his son. Sebastián would be crowned His Grace King Sebastian the Second the day after his father stepped down and completed his farewell tour. The new king gave his most noteworthy speech after his coronation, demanding "forgiveness for transgressions of brother against brother" and promising to listen to the concerns of the people "until my heart ceases to beat." With his father retiring to private life, Sebastián II would become only the third monarch in his families history to reign while the former monarch was still living.
The government of his father was left in place rather than new elections called, Prime Minister Rafael Morata serving out the remainder of his term under Sebastián II. His first two years as king were focused on repairing the societal fractures that the Succession Crisis had created, and establishing new government departments with the assistance of the Royal Cabinet. These departments were the offices of Sustainability and Pollution Elimination for the Ministry of the Environment, and the Office of Digital Technology for the MinisterMinistry of Communications. These actions are credited with ensuring a jumpstart of popularity for Sebastián II's rule and provided political goodwill for his Cabinet.
The king had maintained contact with his friend Emília Pazzana de la Lérida, who had become a researcher and legal advocate at the Royal Corric Law Court archives. After several months of courting and private gatherings with family, Sebastián II announced he had become engaged. The two would wed after a year-long engagedment, on the 18th of July, 1989. The ceremony was smaller than his older brother's marriage, but still televised and with public involvement. Over ten-thousand people attended the initial procession ceremony, and the entirety of the Corric nobility was invited to the reception. Sebastián II earned further endearment of the public by performing traditional Corric folksongs for his new bride on the clarinet.