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* '''Atasiyah -''' Is the largest region in Sayyed, it covers the large Atasiyah Desert and is home to the [[Al-Salarqa|capital city of the same name]].
* '''Khonmani Plateaus -''' The second largest region and home to the Xuhari. Its capital is [[Quzou]].
* '''Haq Mountain RegionAparapat -''' The highest region in Sayyed. It's home to the Haqmi and their capital of [[Haraman]].
* '''Khor Sha'aidat -''' Sayyed's hottest desert and the home to the Sha'aidarum people. Its capital shares the name of the region.
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King Suusaandar IV “the Mad” had a reign of dread and instability. A lot of his decisions displeased the people and were out of madness. So, the people started to turn to his younger sister, Enheduana, to rule the kingdom. The revolts were met with violence, people were killed on both sides. In 150 BCE, Suusaandar and Enheduana had a duel where Enheduana, as described by the writer Baassiia:<blockquote>“Enheduana sliced Issaruutunu’s head off and placed it on the end of her spear, and paraded it all around Salaharkesh, without words, announcing that she was the new queen. And she proved to be such. However, she has spoken about her guilt of slaying her own kin, but knew it had to be done.”</blockquote>Queen Enheduana, called the mother of Ashur as the kingdom went under great changes during her reign. Women now played a more influential role in Ashurian society, and she endorsed the young poet Gashansunu, who wrote "The Epic of Ashur", an epic entailing the adventures of "Young Enheduana", which included a lot of figurative speech that put a commentary on Ashurian high society.
=== The Founding of SunarhiAlqamarism ===
It was believed that the prophet, Ibrahim rested under a palm tree one night and heard a voice coming from the moon, saying that he was the true god and his wife shall receive good fortune in the coming days. When he returned home, he informed his wife about what he had heard, however, she, Aaliyah, a huntress, laughed at him, saying that it was probably just a mirage, and if the god were to be real, she desired a bountiful hunt, as to make food and clothes for the poor. The following day, she went out hunting, and brought back what she desired, from meat to eat to animals to skin for pelts. The same day, Ibrahim was working when he found gold, and decided to use the money he got from it to give alms, crediting al'Iilah for the wealth he found. Shortly after, the faith has spread around the village in which the couple lived, and the two were seen as holy vessels.
==== Spread to the Entire Kingdom ====
The teachings of Ibrahim from al'Iilah began to spread across Ashur, eventually reaching Salaharkesh, however, despite its popularity, the royal family refused to adopt the common faith. With the exception of the clan Sayyed, who gained great political influence after their conversion.
=== The First Sayyed Dynasty ===
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=== The Sayqidi Golden age ===
The Sayqidi Golden Age began in 950 after decades of economic prosperity and stability. Instead of focusing on political matters, Sayyed focused on science, math and literature. Al-Salarqa attracted great minds from all over the Emirate, and education became Sayyed's priority. Schools were put up by magisters who were supported by the royal family. School was no longer a privilege only the children of nobles can have. The wealth of the country made it so that not only can every child attend, but it also ensured quality education, oftentimes free. Students, both male and female, were taught science, geometry, history, and literature. It was encouraged to teach children how to read from a young age. Mathematics was a subject loved heavily by Sayqidi scholars and therefore was a common subject as it accompanied science.
==== Salarqa House of Wisdom ====
The Salarqa House of Wisdom was formed from a coffeehouse in the center of the city.  The coffee house has attracted great minds such as mathematicians scientists and artisans.  Eventually, the coffeehouse grew into a house of wisdom, a  library full of manuscripts and scriptures of the past of the present,  manuscripts containing mathematic equations that helped bring Sayyed to what it is today. Men and women from all over the emirate came to the coffee house in Salarqa to share their ideas with one another, it was a time full of wisdom and of academics. Some say it was truly beautiful.
The house of wisdom emerged during the middle of the side to the golden age when libraries were built in the coffee house and its size increased to accommodate more people.
==== Scheherazade of Khor Sha’aidat ====
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=== The Xuhari ===
Before having been discovered by the Sayidi, the Xuhari were an elven nomadic people that roamed the Khonmani plateaus. They lived their lives in small, isolated communities away from the rest of civilization.
Before their nomadic lifestyle, there was a large Xuhari civilization known as the Principality of Xuhar. However, they were displaced when Crimpatein forces invaded and eventually conquered the principality, massacring many in the process. Those who remained lived a nomadic life, going from place to place for food and water.
==== Conquest of the East ====
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'''Dikranouhi Jalalyan -''' The Queen Mother of the current Emira and the wife of Hassan. Born in Haraman.
'''Scheherazade Al Sayyed (May 19th 2003) -''' The current Emira regnant of Sayyed and the eldest child and daughter of Emir Hassan and Emira Consort Dikranouhi.
'''Hakim Al Sayyed (April 12th 2004) -''' The current heir presumptive to the throne and the eldest son of Emir Hassan and Dikranouhi.
'''Zahra Al Sayyed -'''
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'''Tigran Al Sayyed -'''
== The Court of Al Mahadiyya ==
Al Mahadiyya court culture has been the subject of multiple dramas.
=== Titles ===
==== Harem Titles ====
===== Family =====
Walida Amir/a - The mother of the current Sayqidi monarch
Balahim Amir/a - The father of the current Sayqidi monarch
Tajshezad - The male heir to the throne
Shehzadi - The son and male siblings of the Sayqidi monarch
===== Consorts =====
Khaseki Amir/a - Historicaly, the highest rank a consort could get, their children become heirs. Currently, after polygamy fell out of fashion, it is used as the title for the spouse of the Emir/a.
Kahefendem - The historical title for the highest-ranking consort, however, it is beneath the title of Khaseki. This title was used for the favorite consort of the Emir/a. Currently, it's used for close companions and personal assistants to the monarch.
Khabala - The historical title for other concubines, beneath the Kahefendem and above the Jariye. Currently used for courtiers who are members of the imperial harem, it's used alongside the title of Sayid/a.
Jariye - The historical title for enslaved concubines. Slavery of concubines became outlawed in the late 18th century and the title was used to refer to low-ranking concubines who served the Khabala and the Kahefendem. The title is now used for new servants of the harem.
===== Imperial Supervisors and Overseers =====
Hazinedar Usta -
====== Eunuchs ======
The title of Eunuch was historically used for castrated servants. Now that castration has been outlawed, it has been used for male servants of the harem and servants to the princes.
==== Court Titles ====
=== Court Culture ===
==== Imperial Harem ====
== Military ==
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=== Ethnic Groups ===
Sayyed has four major ethnic groups represented on its flag. These are: the Atasiyaqi, Sha'aidarumaidari, Xuhari, and Haqmi. The Atasiyaqi being the largest followed by the elven Xuhari population.
==== Tribes and Smaller Minorities ====
Sayyed has multiple tribes that come from the Sheikhdoms. Usually they're related to one of the four larger groups, like the Dihobja and Dimangali, who are culturally related to the Sha'aidarumaidari. The Xuhari also have multiple cultural minorities considering their size and variety. The Haq MountainsAparapat also have towns that are culturally different from the mainstream Haqmi culture which comes from Haraman.
==== Groups of Mixed Ethnicities ====
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In Haqmi culture, warm colors were associated with the sun and they believed that those colors would bring more warmth. It also had a sense of welcoming, something the Haqmi are known to be.
======Sha'aidarumaidari ======
Khor Sha'aidat is the hottest part of Sayyed, and the traditional clothing reflects that. Sha'aidarum clothing usually covers up the wearer to protect them head to toe from the sun. A very common color for the garments is black with red embroidery. A face veil is often worn to protect the face. Belts on women's garments were often at the waist and often were made of the same material as the veil ring. Sha'aidarum garments are traditionally elaborately embroidered, usually at the hem and neckline. The cultural color of the Sha'aidarum is black and red, which is seen on their clothing. The black is worn out of practicality for the heat, and the red embroidery is used to reflect upon one's own family history, the blood of their kin.
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|Unlike other Sayqidi designers, Cairo focuses on casual fashion for the wealthy youth, which made him popular to names like Emira [[Scheherazade al-Sayyed|Emira ScheherazadeAl al-Sayyed]].