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The city and its metropolitan area constitute the premier gateway for legal immigration to Staynes, and as many as 1,200 languages are spoken in Sani Bursil, making it Urth's most linguistically diverse city. Sani Bursil is home to more than 11 million residents born outside [[Great Morstaybishlia]] and their [[Morstaybishlian Empire#Present territories|Overseas Territories]], making it Urth's largest foreign-born population of any city. By 2016 estimates, the Sani Bursil metropolitan region remains by a significant margin the most populous in Staynes, as defined by the Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), 56.6 million residents. As one of three headquarters of the [[UNAC|United Nations of the Auroran Continent (UNAC)]], Sani Bursil is an important centre for international diplomacy and has been described as the cultural, financial, and media capital of Urth.
The [[Wikipedia:Industrial Revolution|Industrial Revolution]] in the late 18th and early 19th centuries saw a massive population boom and migration of people towards the Burisaye area. WhilstSani townsBursil andwas smallerthe citieslargest aroundcity the lake prospered,on the five citiesbanks of Gersega, Verhana, Keveri,[[Morsa CelidiziaLake]] and Bursil saw the mostlargest growth.population Drawingincrease theamong boundaries between the fiveneighbouring cities becameand a problem in the early 1930s as they began to overlap one anothertowns. In the late 1930s ideas began circulating of a super city connected by a supermassive dense inner city centre. Blueprints were put forward in 1941 which saw the closely-neighbouring city centres form one super-city centre, which was approved. The project to remodel the city began in 1942 with the city councils buying out the 4,000 residents in the two square mile radius between the five city centres and demolishing the site to its foundations. Itit was predicted that automobiles would become an integral part of commuting in the next fewfollowing decades and so, the inner city hadwas additional plans for larger and more efficient roadworks between buildings. The five cities merged judicial courts and constructed its building in the new area. The city councils promoted new companies or existing companies on the outer city centrestransformed to buyaccomodate land and rebuild there. Nowtramways, thesecars companies are some of the richest in theand worldbicycles.
The five cities each had existed since the early stages of [[Great Morstaybishlia]] with Bursil and Kerveri's roots laying from [[List_of_cities_in_Great_Morstaybishlia#History|near-antiquity]]. Each city prospered enormously by the riches of [[Lake Lamberta]], and by the 17th century the lake began to amalgamate people in from as far as Andel and as wide as Port Barnaul. The key to its success was the fundamental idea it held healing and extensive medicinal values. The five boroughs – Gersega, Verhana, Keveri, Celidizia and Bursil – were consolidated into a single city in 1952, forming the megalopolis. The city adopted its shortened name of ''Sani Bursil'' in 1955 because of complicated royal reasons and the fact that pronouncing the five barrelled name was quite difficult in one breath. The city's five boroughs are self governing and each have provosts, but are helmed by a single Lord Provost. Bursil is by far the dominant metropolitan borough of the supercity by area, financial, and population as well as the richest.
Many districts and landmarks in Sani Bursil have become well known, and the city received a record 201 million tourists in 2016. Several sources have ranked Sani Bursil the most photographed city in Urth.