Salovian Civil War: Difference between revisions

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==Post-Collapse (1992-2001)==
===Oscrelia and Baykalia===
Upon the collapse of Salovia, Oscrelian officials opted to claim territory in the northeastern portion of the former Salovian territory under the justification of ensuring stability. Their campaign into Salovian territory resulted in territorial gains into cities like Cape Onera, Menoria, and Dulorien at the expense of Baykalia. Realizing this, and seeing an opportunity to expand southwards, the Baykalian authorities opted to establish an agreement with the Oscrelians, wherein a demarcation line is enforced that neither side could cross, but beyond this line either side could claim as much land as they had the capability to gain. This agreement allowed both Oscrelia and Baykalia to begin a campaign southwards against Volova. The line established between Baykalia and Oscrelia remains the official border to this day.
The fall of Salovia resulted in vast swaths of land becoming available to expand into, and the Lovelian forces took advantage of this and marched into the city of Akhalibisi in 1993, a symbolically significant event that effectively eliminated the final Salovian loyalist holdout. This acquisition was not without assistance, as the local guerilla group known as the Altai Rebellion was pivotal in Lovelian efforts to expand outwards to Lake Nilovi. As such, the Lovelian Liberation Front and the Atlai Rebellion reorganized into the Tuva-Altai Coalition, the precursor to Tuvaltastan. This reorganization greatly expanded the territory of both the Lovelian and Atlai groups, as the Altai Rebellion controlled territory along the Sea of Tranquility, meaning the Tuva-Altai Coalition (TAC) held dominion over two large regions of former Salovia. Over the remaining years of the Post-Collapse period, the TAC focused its military efforts towards unifying the two regions territorially, as the two areas were split by the Volovan forces.
===Volova and NSPNS===
Though initially enjoying significant territorial gains upon the collapse of Salovia, both the VIF and NSPNS began to experience significant resistance from the north, east, and west, in the form of the newly-created TAC and Baykalia, and the more established power of Oscrelia. Realizing the ramifications of such a significant geopolitical shift in military priorities, both the Volovan Independence Front and NSPNS reorganized into the Kostro-Nilovian Independence Front in 1998 to further integrate their militaries to prevent the collapse of either side. Though this unification would slow the advances of Baykalia, Oscrelia, and the TAC, it would still see a slow reduction in their overall territory.
==Stabilization (2001-2005)==
The TAC's goal of unifying their two territorial regions together was finally realized in 2001, thus marking the shift into the Stabilization period. During this time, all participants in these conflicts would see a slow continuation of the status quo, with Volova slowly losing territory to the TAC while holding the frontlines against both Baykalia and Oscrelia. By 2003, a ceasefire initiated by the MBE and the EPTO was signed among the four belligerants, and for the final two years of the war, no significant losses of life ocurred. In 2005, the Treaty of Astravili was signed, which finalized the borders of Baykalia, Oscrelia, the newly-formed Kostromastan, and the newest organized region of Tuvaltastan.
Though the Treaty of Astravili finally ended the Salovian Civil War, it did not fully resolve every dispute between Kostromastan and Tuvaltastan. One of the most major issues was the question of whether Kostromastan should be given a coastline, despite the fact that the Kostro-Nilovian Independence Front had lost all but a few coastal cities prior to the ceasefire. As such, Kostromastan began an invasion into Tuvaltastan in an attempt to gain coastline. This effort was eventually quashed by the young Tuvalt military, and militarily weakened Kostromastan.
Due to the relative stability in the Shagonar region, the western half of Tuvaltastan became the nation's economic powerhouse, soon overshadowing Akhalibisi in influence and economic strength. This allowed Tuvaltastan to quickly regain control over the Gondwanan colonies that once belonged to Salovia, and soon afterwards Tuvaltastan went on to regain control of Avutili.
After the Aurora-Pacific War, Kostromastan fell into disarray and was replaced by Volova, Nolova, Tula, and Astra, the two latter nations opting to join the more stable and more powerful Tuvaltastan. This marked the first territorial change in the region of Salovia since the civil war itself.
cartographer, Administrators, verified
