Salovian Civil War: Difference between revisions

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|combatant3= [[File:VolovanIF.png|23px]] [[Volovan Independence Front]] </br> <small>(1985-1997)</small>
|combatant4= [[File:LovianLF.png|23px]] [[Lovian Liberation Front]] </br> <small>(1985-1992)</small>
|combatant4a= [[File:TACoalition.png|23px]] [[Tuva-Altai Coalition]] </br> <small> (repl. LovelianLovian Liberation Front 1993-2005)</small>
|commander1= [[File:Salovia flag png.png|23px]] Ivan Strovani
|commander1a= [[File:Salovia flag png.png|23px]]
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===Novugdidi Crisis===
The anger and frustration felt by the southern Salovian peoples culminated with the [[Novugdidi Hostage Crisis]] of December 1984, wherein a group of armed militants captured a number of important governmental buildings located in the city of Novugdidi and held the inhabitants hostage, demanding that Chancellor Strovani either "step down and let the people decide their own fate, or face judgement by the people," which was interpreted by the Salovian government as a death threat to the Chancellor. As such, a covert operation was initiated to eliminate the belligerents and rescue the hostages, among them being the Mayor of Novugdidi and business mogul Yuri Posol and his eleven-year-old son Remis. The belligerents were successfully eliminated, but at a severe political cost. The killing of the abductors by the Salovian government had only fueledcatalyzed into a series of riots that coalesced into a multi-regional uprising.
===Great Uprising===
By May of 1985, the riots that had begun in response to the killing of the Novugdidi abductors had grown into a much larger movement centered around a distinctly anti-Salovian sentiment. Revolutionary organizations began to form around the less-populated and less-enforceable regions of Salovia, with four groups amassing significant numbers: The Nilovian Coalition, The Volovan Independence Front, The Lovelian Liberation Front, and The People's Suvolic Army. The three former organizations survived the initial declaration of martial law by Strovani and the subsequent military suppression that followed. However, the People's Suvolic Army was successfully eliminated by the Salovian government before it could fully organize. The remaining followers of the People's Suvolic Army worked with the Volovan Independence Front to devise a scheme to abduct Chancellor Strovani in an attempt to reverse the declaration of martial law, with a secondary goal of using the abduction as an opportunity to legitimize the Volovan Independence Front. Though successful in abducting the Chancellor on 7 June 1985, the military response to the capturing of the Chancellor proved too significant, and on 18 June that same year, the captors chose to assassinate Ivan Strovani, thus sparking the Salovian Civil War.
==Revolution (1985-1992)==
cartographer, Administrators, verified
