Salovian Civil War: Difference between revisions

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===Volovan Campaign===
The Volovan Independence Front headquartered itself along the fringes of the Salovian territory, even utilizing outposts in the Caltharusian settlements of Koriva and Turigham to acquire weaponry and armor from the black market to fuel their supply chain, thus fairing better than the Nilovian Coalition. This however would only provide so much stability, as the Independence Front struggled to gain much strategic ground in the Khermali region, only controlling three of the nine major cities straddling the Khermali river (the rest of which controlled by Salovia). Seeing an opportunity to form an alliance after the usurpation of the Nilovian Coalition, the Volovans made an agreement to share intelligence and strategy, which further stabilized their hold on territory. Additionally, and without the knowledge of either the Nilovians or Salovians, the Volovans made an agreement with the Lovelians to refrain from capturing territory south of the town of Alinovi, and in exchange the Volovans would receive resources and intelligence from the Lovelian forces.
===Final Years of Salovia===
By 1989, the Salovian government had been increasingly successful in their efforts to eliminate the Volovan and Nilovian insurgencies, almost entirely removing them from every major strategic location. However, as 1990 rolled around, new uprisings in Irkula and Chita threatened the Salovian government more directly than any prior riot or revolt that preceded it. The populist uprising quickly spread throughout the northern Suvolic region, and eventually engulfed the whole area, resulting in the total collapse of the Salovian government and its subsequent surrender to the newly-formed Baykalian government. A handover treaty was signed by Lara Tarasovna and Baykalian leader Hugo Durgaliuri that symbolically ended the reign of Salovia over Chita, which was signed on 21 September 1992. This date is often used as the official end of Salovia.
==Post-Collapse (1992-2001)==
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The fall of Salovia resulted in vast swaths of newly-ungoverned land becoming available to expand into, and the Lovelian forces took advantage of this and marched into the city of Akhalibisi in 1993, a symbolically significant event that effectively eliminated the final Salovian loyalist holdout. This acquisition was not without assistance, as the local guerilla group known as the Altai Rebellion was pivotal in Lovelian efforts to expand outwards to Lake Nilovi. As such, the Lovelian Liberation Front and the Atlai Rebellion reorganized into the Tuva-Altai Coalition, the precursor to Tuvaltastan. This reorganization greatly expanded the territory of both the Lovelian and Atlai groups, as the Altai Rebellion controlled territory along the Sea of Tranquility, meaning the Tuva-Altai Coalition (TAC) held dominion over two large regions of former Salovia. Over the remaining years of the Post-Collapse period, the TAC focused its military efforts towards unifying the two regions territorially, as the two areas were split by the Volovan forces.
===Volova and NSPNS===
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==Stabilization (2001-2005)==
The TAC's goal of unifying their two territorial regions together was finally realized in 2001, thus marking the shift into the Stabilization period. During this time, all participants in these conflicts would see a slow continuation of the status quo, with Volovathe Kostro-Nilovian Front (KNF) slowly losing territory to the TAC while holding the frontlines against both Baykalia and Oscrelia. Split into two regions by the TAC, the KNF struggled to maintain its hold in areas south of Lake Nilovi, and by the end of 2002 the KNF-held territory had been reduced to two cities. By 2003, a ceasefire initiated by the MBE and the EPTO was signed among the four belligerants, and for the final two years of the war, no significant losses of life ocurred. In 2005, the Treaty of Astravili was signed, which finalized the borders of Baykalia, Oscrelia, the newly-formed Kostromastan, and the newest organized region of Tuvaltastan.
==Non-Salovian Participants==
cartographer, Administrators, verified
