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=== Military ===
=== Military ===
''Main article: [[People's Liberation Army of Saframalani]]''

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While the economy is driven by market demands, these demands themselves are often "corrected" by the Central Committee, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Finances that are responsible for creating a "Five Year Plan" every 5 years. These "Five Year Plans" serve to give recommendations and targets for provincial governors and other actors within the government and Saframalani's business world to steer growth in strategically important areas of the economy.
While the economy is driven by market demands, these demands themselves are often "corrected" by the Central Committee, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Finances that are responsible for creating a "Five Year Plan" every 5 years. These "Five Year Plans" serve to give recommendations and targets for provincial governors and other actors within the government and Saframalani's business world to steer growth in strategically important areas of the economy.

=== Industrial sector ===

==== Consumer electronics and home appliances ====
Saframalani has developed a large and relatively mature production market for consumer electronics and appliances throughout it's early-mid period of industrialisation when import substitution was deemed the way forward for the development of domestic production and research capabilities. This, together with targetted government aid, has led to the rise of several brands within Saframalani itself competing for the relatively large and growing market. Saframalani consumer products are exported most usually within the continental reach of Gondwana and are seldom found outside of it.

==== Textiles and clothing ====
Saframalani's textile sector was one of the earliest developments in the history of the country with manufactories and early factories existing back during the times of the Empire, also meaning that this is one of the most well developed and well rounded parts of the industrial sector. While there aren't many prestigious internationally renowned mass brands in Saframalani the country does export a lot of cheap clothing abroad, particularly shoes. Loose international intellectual rights regulations have led to the creation of a persistently growing counterfeit clothing industry in which even many state-owned textile plants take part in with the main consumer base for these being ship crews passing through the Khaj Strait and tourists, though it is believed a lot of the counterfeit clothing is also smuggled and exported abroad both legally and illegally, constituting a gray economy of sorts.

There also exists a quite large designer fashion industry primarily catering to the needs of the rapidly growing upper-middle class and the upper class. The most famous design bureau is the Sehreni-based Hussein Fashion, a locally famous fashion design bureau that historically participated in the designing of the uniforms of the Republican Guard, Police and other security services as well as many lines of business and business casual clothing lines.

==== Aviation sector ====
The aviation sector is a relative anomaly within the industrial history of Saframalani. The international isolation of the country in the aftermath of it's civil war and subsequent stabilisation period as well as the fear of potential international sanctions due to the continuing conflict with the Kadish Dwarves and northern elven nations has led to the belief that Saframalani needs to be as self-reliant as possible in strategic areas of defence, one of these being aviation. The peculiar needs of Saframalani's nascent Air Force during it's formative years have led to the development of many rugged and simple to maintain aircraft, a philosophy that continued into the jet age.

While certainly not the largest aviation sector in the world or even Gondwana it is still capable of producing a decent amount of aircraft, enough to cover the needs of the Saframalani Air Force. The aviation sector is directly interlinked with the armed forces of the country, though several civilian lines of aircraft have also been created in the sector's history, primarily thanks to the dual use nature of some of the aircraft.

At the moment there are three primary aviation design bureaus - Ghanem and Gaddafi Aviation Industry Corporation (GhGaAVIC, specialises in dual-use passenger, cargo aircraft and other propeller aircraft), Safghdad Aviation Industry Corporation (SAVIC, specialises in jet fighter aircraft, jet engines and drones) and the Sehreni Helicopter Design Bureau. All of the aviation companies are united under the Aviation Industry of Saframalani Corporation which is majority state-owned and is responsible for coordinating the research and production.

Significant effort and resources have been invested in the design and development of a new stealth fighter aircraft that is meant to replace older aircraft as well as propell the Saframalani aviation industry into being internationally competetive with hopes of obtaining strategic international partners and customers. The majority of this investment has been directed towards SAVIC with the company planning the construction of new state of the art research and design facilities.

==== Automotive and motor industry ====
The Saframalani automotive industry for a very long time was very narrowly specialised primarily in the production and design of trucks and other vehicles of military, industrial and public nature. The promotion of well-planned and public transport-centric cities has also largely been to the detriment of developing a passenger car industry. This has however started to change as social needs have shifted and the disposable incomes of Saframalani citizens started rapidly rising since the 1990s. Since around the 2000s there have been significant efforts done by major Saframalani automotive concerns like the Rashid Automotive Works, Aziz-Bakir Autos and others to begin an effort at producing commercially successful passenger cars, though trucks, buses and other such types of vehicles remain as the dominant product of the automotive industry.

On average around 750,000 automotives are manufactured, not all being local brands, in Saframalani each year with an upwards growth trend as many households continue to purchase cars.

There are also several manufacturers of locomotives, trains and railcars in Saframalani that have been established as far back as pre-revolution. The first successful Saframalani steam locomotive was built in 1842.

==== Mineral extraction and raw resources manufacturing ====
Saframalani's vast mountain ranges have for years provided the nation with a steady stream of income from the extraction of raw resources. The mountain creation process has pushed up many elements, including many gemstones, closer to the surface which made their extraction more commercially viable. Among some of the largest sectors within the mineral and raw resource production sector are the steel, coal, gold, gemstone and sand/gravel industries. Of particular worth are also the titanium and bauxite production capabilities of Saframalani which have been designated as strategically important due to their close connections with the aviation industry.

==== Science and technology ====
The research and development sector and general innovation in Saframalani has been on a significant rise since the 1980s but has seen unprecedented growth since the start of Muammar al-Douri's presidency in 2015 with significant increases in investment, new technocratic policies and many new scientists and engineers educated in the 90s and 2000s entering the workforce. While there are many private companies in the research sector the government also has it's own agency - the Scientific and Technological Research Institute of Saframalani - that is responsible for coordinating the academic community of Saframalani and aid the private research sector in the implementation of directives related to the Five Year Plan.

STRIS is also supplemented with the Saframalani Autonomous Academy of Sciences which is a government-sponsored but independent scholarly association which also aids in the creation of scientific and research targets for the Five Year Plans.

While Saframalani hasn't implemented nuclear power on a mass scale and has not developed a nuclear weapons capability the Saframalani Nuclear Energy and Materials Agency maintains several research reactors as well as a single commercial power generating uranium-powered nuclear power plant nearby Sehrani that is operational since 2017 and produces around 475MWe of power though SNEMA has continued work on plans to open more and larger nuclear powerplants around Saframalani.

==== Defence industry ====
The militarised nature of Saframalani's state and the high degree of military-industrial integration being one of the foundations of the Sa'athist economic policy also means that a very significant defence industry exists in Saframalani. Among the most important contractors are AISC (Aviation Industry of Saframalani Corproation), MEI (Military Electronics Industries), DEFSOFT (Defence Software), SALVT (Saframalani Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology), MCIC (Mechanical and Chemical Industries Corporation), RAW (Rashid Automotive Works) and ABA (Aziz-Bakir Autos) as well as many others. The Saframalani military industry is coordinated by the Saframalani Arms Manufacturing Group, Saframalani Military-Technical Institute and Safarmexport.

The contractors manufacture a large variety of military equipment, most notably including gun and missile artillery, main battle tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, aircraft and a variety of lighter vehicles and other equipment. At the moment the Safarmexport also handles the modernisation, refurbishment and export of surplus military equipment that is no longer considered as needed by the People's Liberation Army of Saframalani.

=== Agricultural sector ===

=== Service sector ===
