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====Decline of the Ni-Rao rule (15th century CE)====
The plague that has struck the Orcish population of the Ni-Rao Empire has opened a chance for the Dwarven, Human, Elven and other mountain states to conquer the territories once belonging to the Ni-Rao Empire. With the sale of Reijia to the local lord and rapidly declining imperial authority over the territory of Saframalani. The Ni-Rao have eventually been driven out of the region by the end of the 15th century by the coalition of the mountain states who have conquered the fertile flatgrounds surrounding the strait. The strongest of the Saframalani states was the southern Sultanate of Safghdad, headed by the Safami dynasty that later united the entire region and remains the centre of state power even in the modern times.
Following the expulsion of the Ni-rao from the land a brief period of peace was brought about as the various states have agreed to confederate under the [[Khaj League]], a very decentralised governmental structure meant to provide a forum for all of the local lords to solve disputes diplomatically and provide mutual protection against a potential return of the Ni-Rao, although the body has largely failed as the memory of the Empire's rule faded and the Unification Wars started.
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The Unification Wars is the name given to the period during which the strongest of the regional states, the Sultanate of Safghdad, has consolidated it's rule over the entirety of what is known as Saframalani. The Safami Dynasty together with the [[Golden Order]], a religious organisation that remained relevant all the way until the collapse of the dynasty's rule, led the people of Saframalani through a 52 years long period of war for unification. The Unification Wars have brought great devastation to many non-Human and non-Dwarven communities as the religious dogma of the Golden Order has enforced the idea of Human superiority over other "unpure" species, in particular the Orcs who the Golden Order eventually hunted to regional exctinction over the course of the wars in order to erase the memory of the Ni-Rao Empire across Saframalani. The Unification Wars are largely considered the most bloody period of Saframalani history and the most intense period of specieism in it's history, with the consequence being the near wiping out of non-Human and non-Dwarven communities across the country's territories.
The Unification Wars were also a period of a significant shift away from regionalism towards the idea of a unified nation-state. While the wars were often noted for their brutality, most of this brutality was aimed at other species. The Unification Wars were considered over in 1702 with the victory of Sultan Shaheed I Safami over the Dunde Elven princedoms of the Northern Coast of Saframalani and subsequent declaration of the Empire of Saframalani.
===Empire period (1704-1903 CE)===
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Motivated by the preservation of Saframalani's national and territorial integrity the Sa'athist movement has launched a military coup d'etat under the leadership of General Abdel al-Saidi, the founder of the Sa'athist ideology, with many of the FOM officers joining their ranks. The Coup d'etat ended with the abolishment of the 1902 constitution, implementation of martial law and a period of civil conflict and revolutionary terror. Generally known as the Saframalani Civil War the 4 year period of conflict saw significant conflict across the entirety of the nation, although primarily centred around the north where traditional centres of dissent from the central power of Safghdad were located in. Among the most notable events were the declared separations of the Northern Elves and the Kadish Dwarves from the greater Saframalani, the two separatist states formed an alliance to resist any attempts at their subjugation by any of the actors of the Saframalani Civil War. Another very important and impactful rebellion against Sa'athist rule was the rebelion of the Golden Order who organised a Jihad (Holy War) against the secular Sa'athists on the eastern bank of the Khaj Strait, with the [[Army of the Men of the Golden Order]] threatening to take over Safghdad during the opening months of the civil war before being repelled by the forces of the newly founded Republican Guard. The third, and perhaps the only successful separatist movement of the civil war, was the coalition of forces responsible for the breaking away of the "Eastern Borderlands" (الحدود الشرقية), one of the Empire's earliest conquests and an important source of agricultural production.
The period of Revolutionary Terror, also known as the Green Terror (as the colour green represented the Sa'athist Party), was a large-scale campaign of terror against the opposition to the Sa'athists that took place during the period of the Civil War and for a short time after it was considered as concluded. The Green Terror started shortly after the suspension of the 1902 Constitution by the Sa'athist Party and the Revolutionary Army. The terror was a directed effort at suppressing and destroying any form of organised resistance to the rule of the new military junta, though a disproportionate amount of the terror was applied against the nobility, clergy and the landlords who also saw most of their wealth redistributed. The death toll is hard to estimate due to the state's continued prevention of research into the topic though it is believed to be anything between 100,000 and 200,000 in the non-separatist ideas. The worst of the terror was seen in the Kadish Dwarven and NorthDunde Elven regions where the continued and persistent resistance of the locals led to the reign of terror lasting far longer and being even more oppressive than in the rest of the country, some estimates say that the death toll in these regions could be up to double of the rest of the country's combined total death toll. The majority of the "silencing operations" were undertaken by the [[Ministry of Public Security (Saframalani)|Ministry of Public Security's]] internal troops, then known as the People's Armed Militia, which is nowadays known as the People's Armed Police and serves a wider gendarmerie role.
While the civil war has very clearly been won
After the end of the Green Terror and the Civil war Saframalani entered a stage of reconstruction and rapid industrialisation. Early Sa'athist rule could be described as very similar to the Imperial order as it was still highly authoritarian, led by a military junta. Forced secularisation, gender emancipation and shift towards nationalism and a cult of labour and science also took place during this time. The period of military rule has started to end in 1928 when a new parliament, the [[National People's Congress (Saframalani)|National People's Congress]], has been created. The early period of Sa'athist Rule has ended in 1930 with the abolishment of the Revolutionary Command Council, the military-led executive body, and the transfer of power to the reinstated office of President and a new executive body known as the Central Committee.
==== National Rejuvenation period (1930-1980)====
The National Rejuvenation period is the period of rule of the second and third generations of Sa'athist leaders. It was a period marked by rapid modernisation of Saframalani's industrial base, implementation of the first [[Five Year Plans (Saframalani)|Five Year Plans]] and very significant shifts in Saframalani's socioeconomic structures, with a nascent middle class appearing and rapid urbanisation taking place. Significant shifts have also been made in regards to the administration of the Elven coast and Kadish Dwarven territories, both of which have received the status of Special Administrative Regions in 1932. The SAR have received the right to appoint their own regional governments and possess their own seats within the National People's Congress.
The National Rejuvenation period was marked primarily by rapid technological progress. Throughout the 1950s and 1960s Saframalani developed domestic military-industrial complex, aviation, modern shipping and industrial machinery sectors and generally diversified it's economy. Aviation became a particular pride of the nation to this day, with the Sa'athist Party marking the creation of the Air Force and Saframalani airline companies as being one of the great accomplishments of their Revolution. While generally not the most technologically advanced aviation sector the Saframalanis have created many lines of successful combat aircraft adapted with relatively low maintenance hours required and short take off and landing strips which was a necessary capability for the Air Force due to the mountainous topography of the nation.
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The Republic of Saframalani officially calls itself a unitary parliamentary multi-party republic, however it is widely accepted in academic circles that since 1904 the state is an authoritarian one-party republic, even after the restoration of the parliament in 1928. It is governed solely by the [[Sa'athist Party|All-Saframalani National Front]], also known as the Sa'athist Party with several legal minor satellite parties representing the acceptable level of opposition within the constraints of the political system created by the Sa'athist Party. Furthermore the current constitution of Saframalani declares the state as inherently socialist with strong ties to the idea of democratic centralism, which serves as a tool to represent the will of the people through the National People's Congress and it's Standing Committee.
There are three levels of government in Saframalani - local, provincial and national. There are also two autonomous republics in the Northeast of the country that serve to give a degree autonomy to the Kadish Dwarves and ElvenDunde nationsElves of the northern coast.
=== The Sa'athist Party ===
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=== Military ===
''Main article: [[People's Liberation Army of Saframalani]]''
=== Ethnic Autonomous Regions ===
In Saframalani there are currently two regions with special status in the Republic. They enjoy a degree of cultural, administrative and governing autonomy. The political scene in the Ethnic Autonomous Regions is also slightly more relaxed, with the Sa'athist Party's line not being as dominant in local politics as in the rest of the country, which has often led to political conflict between the central government and the regional governments. Both of the autonomous regions are located in the country's northeastern borderlands.
==== Dunde Autonomous Region ====
The DAR is inhabited primarily by the Dunde Elves and is located along the northeastern coast of Saframalani. It is home to around 2% of Saframalani's population, around 1,655,300 people sparsely distributed across the region, virtually all of whom are elves. The D.A.R.'s economy is based almost entirely on textiles and agriculture and is the poorest region in all of Saframalani largely due to negligence and an insurgency that has been consistently ongoing since the 1970s. The region used to be much more heavily populated but the poor living conditions have led to an emigration crisis as Dunde Elves migrate both out of the region and out of Saframalani entirely.
There have been at many times in the past proposals for the removal of the region's special status which have taken a significantly more serious tone in recent years under the regime of Muammar al-Douri, who's cabinet has proposed several development plans including land reforms and plans to repopulate the region by encouraging migration from the south of the country to the north following a removal of the province's special status. There has also been a not insignificant undocumented migration of Kadish into the region that has sparked an ethnic conflict between the two autonomous regions, with the Dunde administration often accusing the administration of the Kadish Autonomous Region of deliberately encouraging migration into the DAR as part of a political intrigue to expand the KAR's territory at the expense of the Dunde.
==== Kadish Autonomous Region ====
The Kadish are an ethnic group of both Dwarves and Humans and are the second largest ethnic group in all of Saframalani. The Kadish are descendants of the northern Saframalani kingdoms and the last part of Saframalani's northern kingdoms that never fully integrated culturally with the rest of the country. The Kadish generally are recognised as a distinct group within the Saframalani national identity itself, though there are many within the KAR that promote the idea of total distinction of the Kadish people from the rest of Saframalani. During the first year of the Saframalani Civil War the Kadish attempted to install a new Imperial dynasty, though when that plan fell through they have instead focused on attempting to create their own state, fielding the largest army of the two separatist states. This legacy of conflict persists to this day and Kadish separatism as well as Kadish terrorism are both constant issues in Saframalani.
The K.A.R. occupies the Northeastern mountain ranges, being the largest concentration of the Kadish with a population of 5,793,550 or around 7% of Saframalani's population. Outside of the K.A.R. there are an additional 10,759,450 people who identify as Kadish.
The region's economy is primarily based around resource extraction with some of the country's largest iron and gold mines being located in the K.A.R.
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==== Aviation sector ====
The aviation sector is a relative anomaly within the industrial history of Saframalani. The international isolation of the country in the aftermath of it's civil war and subsequent stabilisation period as well as the fear of potential international sanctions due to the continuing conflict with the Kadish Dwarves and northern elven nationsDunde has led to the belief that Saframalani needs to be as self-reliant as possible in strategic areas of defence, one of these being aviation. The peculiar needs of Saframalani's nascent Air Force during it's formative years have led to the development of many rugged and simple to maintain aircraft, a philosophy that continued into the jet age.
While certainly not the largest aviation sector in the world or even Gondwana it is still capable of producing a decent amount of aircraft, enough to cover the needs of the Saframalani Air Force. The aviation sector is directly interlinked with the armed forces of the country, though several civilian lines of aircraft have also been created in the sector's history, primarily thanks to the dual use nature of some of the aircraft.
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Saframalani's vast mountain ranges have for years provided the nation with a steady stream of income from the extraction of raw resources. The mountain creation process has pushed up many elements, including many gemstones, closer to the surface which made their extraction more commercially viable. Among some of the largest sectors within the mineral and raw resource production sector are the steel, coal, gold, gemstone and sand/gravel industries. Of particular worth are also the titanium and bauxite production capabilities of Saframalani which have been designated as strategically important due to their close connections with the aviation industry.
The gemstone and gold mining industries have been traditionally dominated by mountainKadish dwarven clans and this continues to the modern day despite the conflict between the Kadish and the central government.
The eastern parts of the country are home to the majority of the nation's oil and natural gas reserves though current production figures presented by the Saframalani Oil and Gas Corporation (SOGC) aren't large enough to allow for significant export to take place, with Saframalani being a net importer of oil.
==== Science and technology ====
