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== Social Royalism ==
Social Royalism, also known as Left Wing Royalistic Populism and in a lesser degree Neo-Progressivism, was an ideology founded by [[Magrete Kverheim]] during her time as a university student in the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]] during the 1960s. In which she was heavily influenced by the monarcho-socialist thought that the Federation was founded on. Social Royalism, as defined by Kverheim, is the ideal that if Royalistic Populism is to survive as a movement for the next centuries the monarch shall become a ceremonial figure with the support of the working class. Stating the monarch unifying symbol has its biggest effect on the working class population.
She has also criticized Ludvig’s economic policies claiming they didn’t go far enough. Though she agreed with the rejection of typical marxist theories of class warfare, she has stated her support for workplace democracy and creating stronger labor unions. With Social Royalism being often called the Social Democratic version of Monarcho-Socialism.
Though a cause of disagreement among Social Royalists, Kverheim was a supporter of secularization, social justice and multiculturalism. In which she argued that a monarch shall represent and be a figure for all members of society to follow not just traditional ones. During her time as prime minister of Norgsveldet she was known for interventionist military policies and heavy dislike towards dictatorships. Which many within her [[Labour Party (Norgsveldet)|Labour Party]] follow to this day.
== Liberal Royalism ==
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