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== History ==
Cryrian interest in space exploration dates back to the 1950s, and was initially largely academic in nature. Beginning in the 1960s, the Cryrian Defense Forces began funding research in order to support a national ballistic missile program. These efforts came to a halt when the country opted to maintain a policy of nuclear latency as opposed to pursuing an arsenal of its own. As the missile technology of the time was deemed inadequate for delivering conventional warheads, the ballistic missile program was also scrapped in 19701974. At the advice of faculty at the University of Talvere, the technology, funding, and launch sites were instead invested towards developing a genuine space program as an autonomous branch under the umbrella of the RCRAF.
The RCSA was initially limited in scope and support, but witnessed renewed interest in the 1980s as developing satellite technology offered considerable economic and security benefits. The RCRSA conducted its first successful independent orbital launch in 1988. Since then it has become increasingly important in both the military and commercial field as its satellites offer a wide range of observation, communication, and navigation services. In the 21st century, the RCSA has regularly partnered with both academic institutions and private industry to continue developing its orbital presence and to facilitate the utilization of space by Cryrian institutions.