Royal Antoran Armed Legions: Difference between revisions

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* [[File:3rdSiegeLegion.png|46x46px]]2nd Siege Legion - "Bronze Bell Legion." Headquartered at Fort Tranquíla. 1612-Present.
* [[File:2ndSiegeLegion.png|46x46px]] 3rd Siege Legion - "Thunder Third Cannoneers." Headquartered at Fort Guadalatancre. 1832 - Present.
'''Venture Legions'''
The Venture Legions are combined arms formations, utilizing mechanized infantry with integrated artillery, airborne, and air defense elements as well as special units such as CRBN and counterterrorism. These three Legions were created from aggregate formations left over during the Defense Forces restructure to serve as expeditionary and defensive pact units. Contrasting other Legions, the Venture Legions include paramilitary personnel from the Order of the Red Eagle. Each of the Legions is stationed in the territory of the other members of INTRA. They train in conjunction with local military forces to better integrate and evolve advanced Treaty strategies.
* [[File:1stVentureLegion.png|51x51px]]1st Venture Legion - "Silver Cross Cavaliers." Headquartered at Fort White, Volscina. 2022 - Present.
* [[File:3rdVentureLegion.png|51x51px]]2nd Venture Legion - "Mechanized Hounds." Headquartered at Fort Scarlet, Mirhaime. 2022 - Present.
* [[File:2ndVentureLegion.png|51x51px]]3rd Venture Legion - "Stars and Honor Legion." Headquartered at Fort Azure, Sarvimaa. 2022 - Present.
