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== Akuanism ==
== Akuanism ==
{{Main article|Akuanism}}Akuanism originates from [[Borea|Central Borea]] (modern day [[Nystatiszna]]) and during pre-syncretism with Asatru. It was primarily a Animism religion with a mixture of native Borean folklore however after it's syncretism in the 700s it started to included more pantheism elements. The religion entered into the historical record in 4th century BCE; with possible oral traditions dating back to the 1nd millennium BCE. It makes use of spirits or ''Brandisen'' which in Akuanist tradition are supernatural entities believed to inhabit all things. Including manufactured and sapient-created objects or places. Example being the sapient-made lake of Ny'amberock which host over dozen spirits in it's shrine. ''Vodkaniate'' is reserved for incredible powerful spirits or gods, example being the religion namesake Akua who protects her children (''Urthians'').
{{Main article|Akuanism}}

Akuanism has long history within [[Packilvania]], with several of the oldest Akuanist text indirectly featuring the land in Akua's adventures. While the historical evidence shows that Akuanists settled in the northern reaches of the empire in late 790s CE, several religious text make use of several mythological creatures from [[Paxism]] and natural landmarks found within [[Packilvania]]. Showing while the settlement didn't happen til much later, Akuanists interacted the religion previously ever some time with in the mid 500s CE. History of the two religion in the beginning was mostly benign, with practitioners of either religion sharing the same communities and taking part in each other's more tamer rituals. Notably Pax priests gave assistance to the creation of ''temple of Vindens pust'' in late 960s CE, historians often cite this as a example to demonstrate the early pleasantness between the pair of religions. However historians are still debating the authenticity of the event, with several letters originating from Pax priests in the region discussing a variety of issues citing Akuanists as the cause of them, such as increase drunkenness among the poor. During Saidun in 1675 CE the once pleasant relationship became heavily strain, with Akuanism firmly rejecting any from of human-supremist ideals promoted by the new Sultan. Resulting in harsh reprisals and discriminatory laws targeting Akuanists but not out-right banning the religion. Later in 1670 CE, Akuanists was required to live in only select quarters of cities and wasn't allowed to enter the city center or the markets. Forcing Akuanists merchants to only sell within their own quarters.

During the communist take over [[Packilvania]], Akuanists pilgrims and brewmasters made the track of march towards the capital. Shouting sayings such as "Akua bless Muktan and the communists!" or "Akua watches over us" believing that the new communist regime would lessen many of the harsh restrictions on [[Akuanism|Akuanists]] placed by the [[Packilvania#Demir Dynasty|Demir dynasty]]. Instead they faced further persecution and arrested the brewmasters who organized the march. They later began the process of demolishing Akuanists shrines and temples through the quarters, including the important temple of Vindens pust. As a result, Akuanists became one of the first religions to align itself with [[Amhoud I]] during the second [[Packilvania#Second Packilvanian Civil War|Second Packilvanian Civil War]]. While traditionally Akuanists are incredibly pacifistic, the destruction of the temple for the Breath of the Winds (''Vindens pust'') caused such a uproar that brewmasters became openly endorsing the [[Bedonite dynasty]] in order to combat the communist government.

Within the modern day, Akuanism is a still present with the northern reaches and with moderate assistant from the [[Packilvania]] government. Have completely rebuild the temples and shrines previously destroyed, while many of the artifacts and foci are forever lost to history. The [[Association of the Servants of Akua]] routinely grades the temples and shrines with in Packilvania as some of the highest on Urth.

== Acronism ==
== Acronism ==