Queendom of Lapérouse: Difference between revisions

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=== '''Ulvrikian Province (515 A.D. - 550 A.D.)''' ===
=== Early Lapérouse Queendom ===
=== Establishment of the Imperial Regime ===
[Generalized Overview dealing with the fallout Ulvrikian Empire collapse, religious and cultural reform]
==== Establishment of the Imperial Regime ====
[The puritan clergy, shield masters, Akuan scholars/merchants, Duarists scholars and the learned women of that era come to meet together.]
==== First Clergy Council ====
[The three [[Ulvriktru]] great-reformers stuff; formed Ulvriktru]
==== Rapid Expansion ====
[Stream roller, Steam rolling, Steam rolled; colonization, forced conversions ya ya yap yap]
=== Golden Age ===
[Generalized Overview, Lapérousian Development as 'special' intensifies, grand stone temples built across]
=== [[Alva|Alvan Empire]] Wars ===
=== Concordian Intervention ===
==== Elder Sister Lapérouse ====
[Blaskog, Norgsveldet, Eyjaria, few others]
==== Nori's Sages Enforcement on Concord ====
=== Sauvageon Wars ===
==== Secularization Policy ====
==== The Three Modernization Principles ====
==== Cult of the Queen ====
=== [[Norgsveldet|Norgsveltian]] Personal Union ===
== Culture ==
Administrators, verified
