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If most of them are different enough to be designated with a unique name, it is harder for some to clearly establish linguistic boundaries. In Opapocia, it is debated if the Upper Opapocian, Lower Opapocian and Eastern Opapocian are three distinct dialects or just variations of the same one. This is due to opapocians interacting a lot with each other and quickly belonging to the same kingdom, while other tribes were much more isolated. There were three distinct tribes (the southern, the northern, and the eastern ones) which identified as such but at the same time felt like they were being part of the same group. For example, the eastern Opapocians were influenced by the Ecaltans, an elf tribe bordering them. It has been decided to gather these "sub-tribes" into one province.
Same could be said for Ostecan (an asconian dialect), where Lower Ostecans were heavily influenced by Mircinians, while Upper Ostecans were heavily influenced by the Postacoran tribes, whether it is in their way of speaking or in their culture and traditions. Such that Ostecan tribes were divided into three different tribal groups, each one ruled by their own masters and having their own priests and temples, as well as totems. Aspocan and Aslenacan were dialects and tribes closer to Ostecans than for any other regions, therefore they were put under the rule of the Ostec province. MirciniaThe same happened for the nestonian province of Pacel with Eastern Pacelans, which were Pacelan people influenced by Puvastelan people, who identify as being their own tribe. This is inreinforced by the samefact that Nestonians gather themselves into tribes according to their furs, thereby Eastern Pacelans had a more red-ish fur compared to the orange fur of situationPacelans.
A last case can be found in the Acasteloocian province. If the Acastelan dialect (which was at the beginning limited to the region surrounding the city of Acastel) has been spread and is now evenly and unanimously spoken, the west part of the province has been influenced by trades with Mircinians, as some of them regularly made exchanges and even lived among Acastelan elves during a short timespan. Thus the "Western Acastelan" was born, but those who speak it still identified as Acasteloocians and didn't feel they were from another tribe. This is why there is a unique province, and the subprovincial divisions of Western Acasteloocia was created. In a reverse effect, the same thing happened to Mircinians, the easternmost inhabitants of the kingdom were speaking "Eastern Miran".
[[File:Ayaupian Dialects Map.svg|450px|thumb|center|Dialects of Ayaupia.]]