Politics of the Oan Isles: Difference between revisions

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The Cabinet is made up of 10 ministers of the Crown who head up government departments. He appointed the head of the Progressive Party, accountant and former director of the Metatron Corporation, Kia Uye, as the Minister of Finance. He appointed the head of a non-profit organization, Arana Marama, to replace veteran diplomat Locklyn Le Roy, as the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He retained General Oahuoa Uye, as the Minister of Defence.
Other ministers include Justice (which handles the judiciary and oversees law enforcement agencies), Security (which oversees intelligence services), Infrastructure (which manages state property and public infrastructure like roads and telecommunications), the Home (which manages home affairs), the Interior (which oversees environmental conservation, eco-tourism, water resources, agriculture and fishing), Trade (which oversees commerce and labour issues)@ and Cooperative Government (which oversees administrative divisions and tribal communities).
== Legislature ==
The National Assembly comprises the unicameral legislature. It is made up of 121 seats each allocated to a single-member constituency. It is elected every four years by the eligible adult population. The presiding officer is the Speaker, who is currently a veteran legislator and acclaimed jurist Pounamu Kateha.
The two largest parties are the Liberal Party and the Progressive Party. Neither party won a majority in the 2017 elections nor were they able to form coalitions with the other minor parties such as the Greens, Socialists, and Konoan People's Party.
