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While humans technically can fit inside of petivilleauto, common complaints describe issues of being to small to be comfortable and the seats being not suitable for human frames. The compact nature of Kem cars, generally result in species who are on average bigger than Kemonomimi are generally advised by the automobile industry not to purchase a petivilleauto types of vehicles out of safety concerns and lack of comfortability. Petivilleauto virtually have all been designed and manufactured within the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]] without exception.
== History ==
=== First Era (1949 - 1967) ===
The Petivilleauto originates are from FPM [[Léonce Fontaine]] suggestion during a cabinet meeting in 1937 about creating affordable cars for urbanites in order to increase consumption spending among the urbanized industrial class, in particular the machinery designers and engineers. As well stimulating the growing automobile industry, and provide small firms with delivery vehicles. The first of theses cars to be built was by the now defunct Coopérative automobile de l'Est, and as the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]] was still 89% kemonomimi at the time. Was purely designed with kemonomimi in mind.
The class at first was barebones in design and having a manual transmission. The slow speeds of the vehicles and small designs, was not only due to the speed limit laws of the various cities of the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]] but due to the narrow roads from many of the older cities. The cars could fit the basic needs of transportation as a alternative to public transport. While public transport in the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]] has always been heavy focus of the country to a near-religious zealotry level, families and pensioners wanted to be able to travel without the need of a fixed schedule. The result of Fontaine suggestion during the cabinet meeting pushed the ideal of having a urbanite car into the mainstream.
Marking the end of the first era was in 1965, as more automobile industries started to focus on increasing the sophistication and comfort of the Kem Cars. While safety features always has a key part of Kem cars, the automobile industry began to focus on improving the Kem cars to be less barebones aside from the safety features. Adding in features that are common in other cars, such as radios and making the transmission automatic. In addition to the increasing of features, Kem cars started to become more specialized with Kem Car food trucks, Kem-Vans and other such specializations.
=== [[Gyllir Motor Corporation|Gyllir]] Era (1967 - 1990) ===
The Gyllir Era was a massive change for Kem Car class for three reasons: Côtois parliament passing a law that makes personal automobiles considered to be a luxury products, therefore completely legal to have capitalistic firms produce them as outline in the Federal constitution, which resulted in the founding of [[Gyllir Motor Corporation]] which in itself utterly changed the automobile industry. Second was the [[Gothic Revolution]], and the social impact of the growing [[Hjørdist Gustafism|Hjørdist]] population changed to public view of what was considered to be a socially acceptable luxury to own. Third was a growing small cooperative and small firms in urban areas needing their own low-cost business vehicles.
=== Export Era (1990s - 2016) ===
=== Smart Tech Era (2016 - Ongoing) ===
== Legality in World ==
Administrators, verified
