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[[File:Karkati Brigade Flag.png|thumb|Flag of the Karkati Brigades, the last of the Ipsitite Military Orders, bearing the Crab which acts as a symbol of the Pax in the Sect.]]The '''Ipsitite''' sect is a heavily deviating and minor sect of Paxism that came out of the nomadic hordes of Western Yasteria, existing now as only minor pockets in Suvania after being persecuted by both [[Alva]] and later Suvania itself. Arising around 740 CE, it competed with [[Ayalism]] in the region, eventually being almost wiped out following the creation of the [[Alva|Alvan Empire]]. It was started by the Prophet Ipsit, a traveller who crossed from modern day Suvania to Central Yasteria in order to better understand the world, returning to his homeland speaking of "The Prophet of the Water." This is believed to be a misinterpreted form of the Pax, with Pax having been the word used for "Water". Ipsit taught his followers of his interpretations of Pax as a mortal prophet of Noi, and thus was declared by them to be the second coming of the Prophet, with the [[Ayalism|Ayalist]] Alvans being descendants of the torturers. The followers of Ipsit wrote what was to become the ''Mahimavan Agranirupana'', describing the world in a cyclical manner as a battle between the evil and cruelty of the Urth which they called Borg, and the Creator who arrived from the Sky which they called Noi - although some Anthropologists and Historians theorize that the link between Noi and the sky is a later interpretation by [[Ayalism|Ayalist]] scholars wishing to make the sect more synchronous with their beliefs. Ipsitites believe there will be many Coming Days, and each shall see a victory of Noi (the Sky), alongside Pax (the Sea) against the evils of Borg (the Urth), believing that should the Sea be destroyed, Borg will encompass the entirety of the Urth and Avarice shall reign. Ipsitites use of a lot of naturalistic symbolism in expressing their faith, often depicting the Pax in the form of a Crab, with the crab being their most used religious symbol. This is believed to be due to the nature of crabs as having had their eggs laid in the ocean before coming on land, as if rising from the water to claim dominion over the Land. Many Paxists consider the Ipsitites to be a different religion as opposed to a sect, however their shared worship of Noi and belief in the battle between the Pax and Noi against the Borg intertwines them to a certain degree.
The ''Ichtmar'' was written by Prophet Besmali in 2000 BCE. It contains the creation story that forms the basis of the religion. It draws on and synthesizes multiple oral and written sources. It contains an account of how the world was created, how the Esma were made, how Borg turned from righteousness and inflicted corruption on and assumed control of the world, and how Noi rejected and abandoned the planet. It contains an account of the Pax's journey of discovering Noi, rejecting Borg and being empowered with the ability to defeat him. The book ends with a description of a prophecy of how Borg would escape from the Jovian Gate and Pax would destroy him forever and set Urth free from evil.
The ''Vagumar'' was composed by Jerome of Damaclion on the order of King Suleiman of Yehudah. It quotes the Ichtamar's account of the creation myth verbatim, but adds details about how people are meant to live their lives and how the world is intended to be organized. It draws on Pax's mortality as an example of how common people can develop a relationship with Noi and have the ability to live a life that is morally upright on their own. Thus, it emphasises individual responsibility, autonomy and personal freedom. Thus, neo-liberal democrats draw heavily on the ''Vagumar'' text as evidence for individualism and self-sovereignty.
The ''Haagemar'' also draws on the creation myth account as provided by the Ichtmar but makes modifications with respect to the mortality of the Pax informed by the polytheistic teachings and beliefs of pagan kingdom that received Paxism. It contains a description of the apotheosis of the Pax and his marriage with Noi. It contains a detailed list and description of the Haagen, the children created by Pax and Noi through their marriage who were assigned control over areas of Urth's natural phenomena and the fates of humans. Although it does not explicitly call for the creation of religious leaders dedicated to each Haagen, these leaders and their communities developed organically.
The ''Bas Magdamar'' draws on a desire by scholars and religious leaders who were influenced by the Yehudite sect to return to the monotheism of the ''Vagumar''. However, it bows to the centrality of the position of Pax in beliefs by describing him as a special spiritual intecessor for mortals. This book's title means True Great Writing which reflects its creator's desire to centralise and control religious teaching. Thus, it calls for the creation of a religious government with the authority to interpret and direct the worship of its people. Therefore, it creates room for the creation of authoritative religious writings.
