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== Personnel ==
The PAF has 2,482,750 active volunteer professional soldiers and 14,890,250 reserve forces. Conscription does exist but is applied so selectively that only racial minorities are actually compelled to serve. Furthermore, the most senior personnel are Princes of the House of Bedon followed by members of aristocratic families that have strong relationships with the Bedon family. Despite the apparent nepotism of this system, the Princes and their aristocratic colleagues often enter a special military education system for nobility and royalty at a young age. This is designed to cement the power of the House of Bedon as well as the monarchy. Most racial minorities stay is lower ranks and face hurdles when seeking promotion. This drives away a lot of talent from smaller nations. Due solely to the massive scale of the PAF, the country has avoided losing its military prestige but as modern combat becomes more complicated and sophisticated the PAF will fall behind its competitors.
== Tactics and military doctrine ==
=== Nuclear warfare ===
The military of Packilvania possesses nearly 2,000 nuclear warheads. However, these nuclear warheads fall into 2 groups, namely strategic and non-strategic nuclear warheads. Strategic nuclear warheads are high yield devices mounted on long range delivery systems such as Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs), and heavy bomber aircraft delivery systems. Due to their "grotesque lethality" (as quoted from Sultan Amhoud in 1987), these may only be used when Packilvania has only been struck by another nation. The Constitution of Packilvania explicitly forbids the Sultan from striking a peaceful nation or a nation without nuclear warheads first. Further safe guards are put in place such as requiring that a majority of the Council of the Armed Forces (which consists of the Generals and Admirals) must approve this decision.
Sultan [[Amhoud I]] was highly appalled by nuclear weapons and thus, he signed a Decree barring future development and proliferation of nuclear weapons. His successor, Sultan Amhoud II, shared these ideas. Sultan [[Namdun III]] did not agree and has thus undertaken limited nuclear testing activities. But Packilvania has not shared nuclear weapons technology and expertise with other nations. It was thus extremely disturbing when [[Vekaiyu]] stole military weapons plans in the early 2000s. It was regarded as the biggest catastrophe of the Packilvanian military industrial complex and has been a source of continued distrust between Vekaiyu and Packilvania.
=== Chemical and biological warfare ===
Having suffered with bouts of disease, Packilvania is deeply traumatised by plagues. As such, Sultan Amhoud I was very reluctant to pursue biological warfare. Nevertheless, research into such was undertaken primarily to understand how they worked and what methods would be best suited to combat them. As such, biological warfare tools are available. There are rumours that some limited form of biological warfare has been used. This includes sending anthrax laced letters to senior enemy leaders. Nonetheless, Packilvania does not use biological weapons against ordinary combatants and civilians. Chemical weapons are guided by the same philosophies. The use of chemicals in combat is not allowed in Packilvania, however, its limited use on a single target has been reported at least once. Further, Packilvania has very small chemical weapons stockpiles for research purposes.
=== Information warfare ===
Information warfare is an asymmetric warfare style that entails leveraging and controlling information to achieve military objectives. Information warfare is a key part of the Packilvanian military doctrine. The use of [[surveillance and censorship in Packilvania]] to ensure that Packilvanian military action is portrayed in a positive light domestically has been leveraged to ensure maximum public support and/or assuage the public from criticising military actions undertaken by the state. Furthermore, Packilvanian can leverage various modern means such as social media and the Internet to recruit soldiers, foment feelings or ideologies against enemies and for allies, spread misinformation or information to the enemy's population etc.
=== Cyberwarfare ===
Cyber warfare relates to the use of cybersystems to combat another nations armed forces. This includes intercepting, decoding and leveraging transmissions via the Internet, cable or physical letters between enemy forces. This take the form of wiretapping and deep packet inspection. Additionally, Packilvania has also worked on and successfully intercepted, corrupted, modified or replaced transmissions between enemy forces in combat situations such as signal jamming. Furthermore, Packilvania has used hacking to penetrate and debilitate enemy information systems such as implanting malware and using Denial-of-Service attacks. Furthermore, Packilvania has developed a robust system to prevent other nations from intercepting its own transmissions and/or disabling its information systems. Packilvania benefits from the fact that it has never had an open Internet. Thus it has had years to develop cyberwarfare expertise and to put in place a comprehensive system of safeguards to protect itself from foreign cyber attacks.
=== Space warfare ===
Packilvania is in the process of developing and testing anti-satellite weapons systems. It has successfully tested the use of robots and missiles to bring down old and decaying satellites which can be theoretically used to destroy enemy satellites. Other methods such as using lasers or other satellites to manipulate the functions of enemy satellites have been explored but tests have hitherto proven successful. Beyond targeting enemy satellites, Packilvania is staunchly opposed to other forms of space based warfare such as kinetic weapons. These are weapons dropped from space whereby gravity enables a projectile to cause nuclear-scale destruction. Packilvania remains highly opposed to this and has thus far avoided developing such systems. Furthermore, Packilvania is strongly opposed to using military force against civilian research and commercial space activities. Packilvania has started research on protecting the planet from solar flares, gamma Ray bursts and comets but research is limited due to funding, scientific and technological constraints.
=== Urban warfare ===
Urban refers to fighting in densely populated highly built up environments. This proves difficult for Packilvania to undertake while sticking to its moral code in part due to the fact that in urban areas it is much easier for civilian facilities and infrastructure to be used for military purposes and military and civilian infrastructure are much closer together. On top of the moral difficulties of fighting in such spaces, practical constraints impede a military like Packilvania's (which is dedicated to conventional warfare).
Packilvanian also faces technical difficulties in this area. For instance, its soldiers have heavy long range hand held weapons that struggle in close quarter combat. Packilvania has a massive tank fleet but tanks often struggle with navigating small alleyways and streets. Packilvania is very adept at siege warfare however. They are well equipped to surround an urban area for extended periods, but making meaningful advances in urban areas proves difficult. Thus, often Packilvania deploys a "war of attrition" style of combat whereby they aim to grind down and tire enemy forces.
=== Guerilla warfare ===
Packilvania's military is built primarily to fight other countries militaries in conventional scenarios. It is not focused on fighting guerilla warfare. Thus, small localised bands on people operating with relatively low-tech devices, paramilitary training and low-yield weapons can last for a long time against a Packilvanian military occupation. Packilvania also struggles to leverage information warfare outside of its borders in most countries. Packilvania has begun experimenting with using mercenaries, co-opting local forces or encouraging intra-guerilla conflict to combat their shortfalls against these forces. But naturally such tactics have their limitations.
=== Moral codes ===
Packilvanian soldiers must abide by strict rules in combat scenarios. They may not plunder the resources of the nation they are trying to capture. Packilvania strictly attempts to avoid killing non-combatants or damaging civilian infrastructure. This is particularly difficult given the challenges of distinguishing between military and civilian infrastructure. Nevertheless, critics have often felt that these safeguards are weak and the Minister of Defence has tacitly agreed and the government is in the process of doing more research on and developing methods to reduce civilian casualties. Prisoners of war captured by Packilvanian forces must be treated humanely. Civilians may not be used as shields, or intermediaries in combat situations. Unless civilians willfully obstruct and/or use violent force against Packilvanian soldiers, Packilvanian soldiers are required to leave them alone and treat them as humanely as reasonably possible. Intimate relations between Packilvanian soldiers and enemy citizens or combatants are explicitly forbidden. Furthermore, coercive relations of that nature are explicitly forbidden as a means of accomplishing military objectives. Soldiers who break these rules are subjected to the military court system which has much wider list of war crimes eligible for execution. Complaints against Packilvanian conbatants can be brought by all civilians including of enemy states to Packilvanian commanders. Furthermore, at the strategic level, Packilvania is highly opposed to violence of any kind against civilians for military objectives. Peacekeepers have a special dispensation whereby they are treated like non-combatants.
=== Logistics ===
Packilvania has many weaknesses and strengths with regard to logistics in combat situations. It benefits from high tech satellite communication. This might be great in getting a picture of Foreign nations and passing communications, but they struggle in low tech situations where signals might be difficult to receive or transmit due to dense cloud and canopy cover. Packilvania has a reasonably flexible system of requesting and sending supplies to its soldiers abroad. Commanders request resources for their units on an as needed basis. This is great for ensuring that resources are sent where they are needed, however, this system struggles when communication lines are limited or commanders act in the interest of themselves or their own crew making it difficult for resources to reach where they are needed.
Packilvania has bases in foreign nations as well as Air craft carrier strike groups that allow it to project power far from home. However, there are areas of the world where it is significantly more difficult to send forces due to the lack of bases such as Gondwana. Through leveraging bases in [[Nystatiszna]], [[Iphelklori]] and [[Kalatya]] it is easier for it to project power in [[Borea]], [[Arcturia]] and [[Itur]] respectively than in [[Novaris]], [[Gondwana]] or [[Aurora]]. Packilvania is well suited to land invasions of surrounding nations because it has a massive logistics force which includes over 100,000 trucks and 400 cargo aircraft allowing food, medical supplies, ammunition, parts and fuel to reach combat zones hundreds of miles away. Packilvania benefits from maintaining ties with non-state actors as in the event of a war, these actors can not only provide additional combat strength but they can provide logistical support in the form of food and intelligence.
== Ranks ==
