Packilvania: Difference between revisions

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=== Government ===
{{Main|Sultan of Packilvania|Council of Ministers of Packilvania}}
The [[Sultan of Packilvania|Sultan]] has absolute control over the political system; all the political authority of the state emanates from and resides with the Sultan. The Sultan is the head of house of [[Bedonite dynasty|Bedon]], the royal family of Packilvania. With over 12,000 members, it is the largest royal family in the world. Its members occupy all the senior posts in the government. The Sultan rules the nation by decree.
The Sultan appoints a Council of Ministers to oversee the daily running of the country and to advise him on the exercise of his authority. The Prime Minister chairs and controls the work of the Council of Ministers. Members of the Council of Ministers are called Ministers and they oversee different executive government agencies which control different areas of the national government's work. The Prime Minister and Council of Ministers serve at the pleasure of the Sultan i.e., the Sultan can dismiss and appoint them at will. The Crown Prince (assisted by the Deputy Crown Prince) is the closest adviser to the Sultan and his designated heir apparent. The incumbent Prime Minister is His Imperial Highness (HIM) [[Prince Luwadeen a-Harim Bedon]], the Crown Prince is HIM [[Prince Thumim Bedon|Prince Thumim a-Namdun Bedon]] and the Deputy Crown Prince is HIM [[Prince Abuyin Bedon|Prince Abuyin a-Namdun Bedon]].
The Sultan appoints all the members of the Consultative Assembly which serves as an advisory body. It consists almost entirely of aristocratic and religious officials. The Sultan can appoint as many members of the Consultative Assembly as he chooses. Appointment to the Consultative Assembly signifies political prestige and favour with the Sultan. Nevertheless, the Consultative Assembly can only issue recommendations to the government and deliberate on political issues. Because members of the Consultative Assembly cannot publicly criticise Sultan or the government, their meetings are largely held away from the public eye except for the annual state opening when the Sultan announced his plans for the year.
Aristocrats are wealthy families to whom the Sultan has granted land and titles in return for their loyalty and enforcement of the Sultan's will on the nation. Due to efforts at modernisation and the complexity of governing, much of the everyday running of state affairs has shifted to the government and civil service. Thus, the aristocracy serves as a way for the the Sultan to dispense patronage for people loyal to him and in turn uproot those who oppose him. Aristocrats continue to oversee large estates, send courtiers to the Bingol Imperial Court and administer the affairs of the tenants within their control. Whereas civilians pay taxes to the state, aristocrats pay taxes directly to the Imperial Court as tribute. Failure to pay tribute can result in removal. Although aristocrats have favorable access to state business opportunities and are exempt from the oversight of ordinary police, they are under the constant surveillance of the [[Packilvanian State Security Agency|Packilvanian Secret Service]].
The religious authorities of Packilvania consists of scholars (who receive their training from and are in turn appointed by other scholars) who have the power to issue religious decrees (official interpretations of religious concepts) and priests who administer the daily religious needs of their communities such as burials, marriages, gatherings, upkeep of religious buildings and related roles. All of these are financed by the incomes that temples make from offerings as well as a state grant under the control of the [[Magisterium of Paxism|Magisterium]]. The Magisterium acts as the central authority and official bureaucracy of [[Paxism]] in Packilvania. Its functions include managing religious funds, universities and other organisations as well as operating a religious police to enforce religious law. The most senior officials of the Magisterium compriseis thelegally Highindependent Council which administers and overseesfrom the workgovernment of the Magisterium and is appointed by the SultanPackilvania.
===Judicial system and human rights===
