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He placed his family members and most loyal troops in positions of power and consolidated political authority in his hands. His soldiers took over taxation and other functions from local authorities. Instead, Princes were left as landlords over large estates and he could appoint and dismiss them at will. With the power he accrued, he led a campaign to unite surrounding lands. By the end of his reign, an area overlapping Mekedesh and Rigaryat.
The descendants of King Ishak Zubrayn continued the campaigns to unite the surrounding lands such that they ruled until 1670. Furthermore, their kingdom reached from Ukanar, to IkanarMekedesh, Rigaryat, Kharyat and Iganar by in 1670. Over the course of the rule of the House of Zubrayn, literacy and writing spread such that there were libraries and schools in which physics, geometry and philosophy were being studied. The House of Wisdom in Bingol contained 700,000 manuscripts. There were 400 Paxist temples which provided for the needs of the people such as education and healthcare. By 1670, the population of the realms of the Zubraynite dynasty was about 60 million people.
The last Zubraynite ruler, was Uden II. He assumed the throne at a young age following the unexpected passing of his father due to a disease thought to be syphilis. He was incompetent and poorly advised by his minister. Several social and economic problems arose that coalesced to destabilise and ultimately topple his regime.
===First Packilvanian Civil War of Unification===
The human House of Demir ruled over the fertile lands of Fidakar. Due to unprecedented floods starting around 1668, their nation become incredibly wealthy and experienced a boom in tourism. The House of Demir was a human dynasty and the population of its realms was highly diverse. At the same time, the crops in the Zubrayn dynasty were failing and there was mass starvation and pirates were attacking trading boats of the lucrative Trans-Packilvanian-Ocean trade. The people grew restless and the elites were divided, making it difficult for Uden II to exercise control. Coupled with the poor advice and incompetence of his ministers, the economy of the Zubrayn dynasty fell. Hundreds of thousands of refugees from the Zubraynite realms sought refuge in Fidakar. King Saidun Demir of Fidakar saw the opportunity that the situation presented. Due to the wealth that they accumulated, they were in a position to lend Uden II the finances he needed to pay for the running of his nation and avert an economic catastrophy.
When the debt was due to be paid, Uden II had not effectively righted the economy of his nation. King Saidun gave Uden II an ultimatum: either pay the debt in full or hand over the Crown of Zubrayn to the Crown of Demir. Uden II and his ministers and the nobles of the region were divided. King Saidun began to form an alliance with disgruntled Princes and nobles of Zubrayn so that they would abandon Uden II and align themselves with him, in return for power and wealth under King Saidun's leadership. Thus, despite being initially distrustful of a human about 30% of lords joined forces with Saidun Demir. Despite being unable to come up with the money, Uden II refused to handover his crime and stated he would rather have his lands destroyed before handing them over to humans.
These kinds of remarks had made his soldiers resistent to him and his lords lukewarm in their support of his rule. Thus, Saidun attacked, Mochtar in Rigaryat. The city was an important hub of trade and had a road that connected directly with Bingol. The fall of Mochtar made it hard for Uden II's forces to retake Rigaryat. Eventually, King Saidun's forces drove Zubrayn forces out of Rigaryat. The lords of Iganar declared their loyalty to King Saidun and capitulated without bloodshed. Another 8 years of war followed in which King Saidun consolidated human control over Iganar, Southern Ashura, and Ukanar. In 1676, the Battle of Bingol was fought. The battle lasted days. King Saidun came up with a plan to use artillery as the basis of attack. The battle resumed. Faced with the Fidakarian fire power and numbers, the city of Bingol fell. Uden II was executed and King Saidun was declared Sultan (or Emperor) of Bakil-afhana (which we today know as Packilvania).
===Demirite Dynasty===
===Morst-Packilvanian Personal Union===
