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=== Marriage and Gender Traditions ===
Before Niväk, Nystapi gender roles was like every other Akuan culture, to which gender or the closest thing that could be called gender by scholars and sociologists was more based on one's role and how one portrayed themselves as. Marriage was based mostly in [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyfidelity Polyfidelity], rather than polyamory as Nystapi bands tended to be more strict and uniform as a social structure when compared to other cultures in the region, the driving reason being that Nystapi isolation from other non-Nystapi groups in the area. Marriages would be between three to four peoples, and the heads of the band would be judge each member of the marriage party, if they should should be wedded together. This often was judged on the base on personality and how long the group has been together before marriage. Heads of the band was known to be extremely investigative about the matter, as marriage was and still is important manner for the community. Heads of the bands would question the parents, siblings and friends in their investigate about the group seeking to be wed, to insure that the marriage would not only being a loving one but to insure the partners mesh well together. During the marriage all partners are tattooed with a unique pattern designed by the group to be wed, that is across their left arm while their right arm is reserved for honorifics. Marriage heavily requires mutual consent, and clear signs that all partners in the group love each other. Age of marriage at minimum starts at 16 but in majority cases of marriages the age is at 21.
Marriages ceremonies are similar in most Akuan forms of marriage ceremonies with flowers inside of clay pots are exchanged in the group. Each member in the group, receive a flower from one and another, which they store alongside whatever treasures they owned. Day of the ceremony, the partners in the marriage throw the pots with flowers in them into a large fire and dance around the fire while singing. Words of love and affection are given to each member of the group, every member in the group giving a poem to each member of the group. It is custom for everyone person at the wedding ceremony to give words of kindness and love to marriage group, starting with parents of each group then siblings and then finally friends. Wedding ceremonies tend to be three or four days long.
After Niväk marriages and gender roles significantly changed. According to Carlist [[Ulvriktru]], the dominate person in the relationship should be the one in charge and polyfidelity was seen as a sinful despite it being closed marriage. [[Ulvriktru]] as a whole, being extremely against polyamory and didn't differ between polyamory and polyfidelity. Blåskovian crown, made it a point to suppress and eliminate polyfidelity marriages all together. However, polyamory was still acceptable but only if relationship outside of marriage didn't result in a child. Officially, this ended polyfidelity however in reality the marriages continued in secret despite Blåskovian best efforts. To counter Blåskovian suppression of polyfidelity, Nystapi would live within the same house but married a single partner. When children was born out of wedlock, the child was given to a same sex couple or a couple that lived in the same building or nearby. Gender roles or what can be considered traditionally as gender roles, for the Nystapi people, became less focus on how on portrayed themselves as and more on their role within the community. A water-downed version of how Carlist [[Ulvriktru]] and Blåskovian culture reflect themselves, as Blåskovian cultural demands that the most powerful or influential be the head of the house as well community. In Blåskovian terms, this means the barons and jarls being leaders due to their influence and being self-centric or purely only for their family. For Nystapi, rather dominate and leadership became synonyms for a community role model in addition to their leadership roles. Leadership roles, while still being Akuan in nature as it was often belief that collective makes the decisions but after Niväk, Nystapi placed leadership roles into a single person rather than a council. Similar status to a jarl or a tribal chief, though it was considerably different as instead of passing though the bloodline, it was a voted on position by individuals who was 30 years old or older and has been on at least one Borean Bear hunt.
A key thing that didn't change in Nystapi culture was [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cohabitation cohabitation], as Blåskovian crown nor culture as a whole saw the process as particularly worth interest in forcing to change. Nystapi leaders during Niväk saw cohabitation as a necessity for marriage and to insure personality of the couple/group could live together while still loving each other. It was part of the dating and engagement process for Nystapi and several other Akuan cultures across Borea. Provided that cohabitation didn't result in a child being born, Blåskovian authorities didn't care and for the most part according historical records. Blåskovian assumed that Nystapi simply group up in housing as survive method for warmth and resource limitations.
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